Password Reset SMTP server could not send the message

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10/14/2013 2:14:43 AM
Total Posts 220

Re: Password Reset SMTP server could not send the message

Hi Joe,

I replaced utf-8 by x-IA5-German and in my user.config I have
<add key="UseCultureOverride" value="true" />
<add key="site1culture" value="de-DE" />
but Mojo is stubborn. It don't like the umlauts  smiley


10/14/2013 6:46:12 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Password Reset SMTP server could not send the message

Hi Matthias,

I have found that the file

/Data/MessageTemplates/de-DE-PasswordEmailMessage.config is ANSI encoded. Maybe that causes a problem when it tries to replace the token in that file with the user password.

I have emailed you a replacement file that is utf-8 encoded. Maybe that will solve it.

Do umlauts work in the contact form email? 



10/15/2013 7:48:13 AM
Total Posts 220

Re: Password Reset SMTP server could not send the message

Hi Joe,

yes, the umlauts work in the contact form, only: matthias?
but it's not that important I think.

The changed de-DE-PasswordEmailMessage.config is a complete success smiley

Thanks and cheers

10/15/2013 2:10:51 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Password Reset SMTP server could not send the message

Hi Matthias,

I'm glad to hear that! I have committed the change to fix that encoding in our source code repository to make sure it will stay fixed after future upgrades.

Thanks as always for the beer and coffee!



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