Moving mojoPortal

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10/6/2013 5:44:58 AM
Total Posts 77

Moving mojoPortal

I have created a mojoPortal site that can be adapted to several different scenarios by making minor changes.

What I want to do is to use this whole site as a "site-template" to avoid the rework of starting from scratch every time I want to use the site-template in a different environment.

Assuming that I take the following steps:
  1: Copy the wwwroot of the site-template to a new wwwroot 
  2: Copy the SQL Server database (e.g. mojoDB1) and give the copy a new name such as mojoDB2
  3: Change the connection string that is at line 48 in web.config to point at mojoDB2

Will this work?
Is there anything else I must do?


Also, I don't understand the implications of the following message that I see at line 43 in the web.config.
Is the message relevant to what I'm trying to do?

Note that each DB platform has its own connection string, but the database used depends on which data DLLs are in the bin folder; it is not determined by configuration settings.

10/6/2013 7:07:29 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Moving mojoPortal

In general that will work as long as copy the database means make a backup of it and restore the backup to a new db, you cannot copy objects like tables from one db to another, it has to be a backup and restore process.

The note about different data dlls refers to using other database pllatforms ie MySql, PostgreSql, Firebird Sql, SQL CE or SQLite, not about using different MS SQL databases.

See also Moving an Installation of mojoPortal to a Different Server

10/6/2013 7:34:57 AM
Total Posts 77

Re: Moving mojoPortal

Thanks Joe,

FA! (= Fast and Awesome)


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