Form Wizard Pro issues

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9/30/2013 7:01:31 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Form Wizard Pro issues

Hi Joe, I haven't worked with FWP for a while, but I had occasion to create a new form today and ran into the following issues:

First, if you create a question and save it, then go back in and edit the question text afterward, the new question text is shown correctly on the form and in Browse Submissions, but the original question text is shown in the submission data grid, Export Data as CSV, and Export to Word. I was able to reproduce on mojoPortal demo as follows:

  1. Edit Form, add a new text question, save without making any changes to the question text.
  2. Verify that new question is appearing on the form.
  3. Edit Form, edit the new question, change the question text, save.
  4. Verify that new question text is showing on the form.
  5. Submission Data, Browse Submissions: updated question text is shown. 
  6. Submission Data, view submission grid, export to CSV, export to Word--old question test is showing instead of the updated value.

Second, if you give a custom role access to view submissions, the user is not able to navigate using the "view the submission link" provided in the form submitted notification email. Instead, users in that role who click the link are shown the "Sorry, you are not allowed to view this content" error. 



10/1/2013 1:41:57 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard Pro issues

Hi Jamie,

Thanks for the bug report, I've just patched the Form Wizard Pro release to fix these bugs. The only file that changed in the package is sts.FormWizard.Web.UI.dll.

Note that the first issue could be mitigated by enabling question aliases in the settings, then you would see in the UI that it is a separate field to update that is usually used for a shorter value that is used in the grid view of the results instead of the question text which may be longer and more unwieldy as a column header. When question alias was not enabled then the same value is stored there as the question text when the question was created but then it wasn't updated when the question text was updated. So I fixed it such that if aliases are not enabled then editing the question text will update the alias as well since it is still really used in the grid view whether it is shown in the form editor or not.



10/1/2013 4:17:56 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Form Wizard Pro issues

Fantastic support as always, thanks Joe!

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