IE9 - problem with displaying pages

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9/24/2013 1:08:06 AM
Total Posts 3

IE9 - problem with displaying pages


I have problem with displaying pages in IE9. Especially when is in the side only one column, I see only narrow contents.

For example two screen from



In IE8 and IE10 it is OK. Firefox it OK too. Do I have something wrong?

Thanks for answer.




9/24/2013 10:19:18 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: IE9 - problem with displaying pages

To fix this, we will need to be able to see the site. Is it accessible through a public url?

Joe D.

9/24/2013 12:23:08 PM
Total Posts 3

Re: IE9 - problem with displaying pages

You can see on the web: Especially to the Blog: Screens are from this pages.



9/24/2013 12:36:48 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: IE9 - problem with displaying pages

The images look very messed up. However I do not have any machines with IE9. When I test the demo site using IE 10 but set to IE 9 mode I am not able to reproduce the problem.

The problem does happen if I use IE 7 mode, but as discussed elsewhere on this site we are not concerned with supporting IE 7 and Artisteer (which is the tool used to create most of the skins on the demo site also doesn't care about IE 7 anymore).

If you have a particular need to support IE 7 you could download older skins made in Artisteer 3.1, because back then Artisteer did support IE 7. The older skins are in the on our codeplex download page if you need them. 

Hope that helps,


9/25/2013 12:15:38 AM
Total Posts 3

Re: IE9 - problem with displaying pages


I downloaded  skins  Artisteer 3.1 and now it is OK. Thanks for your help.



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