Problems with Editors in / 3.5

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9/21/2013 9:34:14 AM
Total Posts 220

Problems with Editors in / 3.5

Hi Joe,
I like the inline editing very much, but while using it the CKEditor is often very touchy.
When I try to highlight a passage in the text, the beginning of the highlighted part starts moving towards the cursor, it became smaller and the larger again, jumps back and forth and sometimes the cursor jumps abruptly to the beginning of the editor. Very funny.
In addition, almost every word is underlined as error, because I do not know how to change it to German.
Without the inline mode I would rather choose the TinyMCE again (it's more colorful :-), but although HtmlEdit.aspx appears after clicking on the pencil, the area for the editor remains empty.

9/21/2013 3:48:32 PM
Total Posts 220

Re: Problems with Editors in / 3.5

somehow I searched wrong.
Now I have discovered the solution, because both editors (almost) working fine in IE.

9/23/2013 4:02:17 AM
Total Posts 220

Re: Problems with Editors in / 3.5

Thanks for the polite silence ;-)
Here this weekend were elections and the site was important to announce a public viewing.
I was blind in the rush and have found nothing. Now I see i.e. that I can set the spell check in the menu of the CKEditor.
Best and cheers

9/23/2013 5:58:57 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problems with Editors in / 3.5

Sorry Matthias,

I was offline all day Saturday and was going to answer on Sunday but then I thought you said it was all sorted out.

Are you still having problems with the editors?

For CKeditor there is a setting that needs to be fixed as in this thread

For Tiny MCE there is a bug where the language files need to be in 2 places so you need to copy the it.js from one place to another as in this thread.

Both of those problems should be fixed in mojoPortal

Again, my apologies for the delayed response.



9/23/2013 1:45:36 PM
Total Posts 220

Re: Problems with Editors in / 3.5

Hi Joe,

there are forums in which there had been a shit storm if I had asked a question, that have
been answered already. Therefore, I found it here as polite silence. smiley
Besides, no one can expect you to sit constantly at the computer.
Thanks for your answer, and although I'm not ".it" but ".de" I'll try it.


9/23/2013 2:31:32 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Problems with Editors in / 3.5

Hi Matthias,

Yes copy the de.js instead of it.js 

It is the same problem for other languages. I fixed it in version by copying most common language files from the langs folder into themes/advanced/langs. I think the TinyMCE team introduced this bug while consolidating changes for their new 4.x branch but still sharing some code with the 3.x branch. I've been wanting to update mojoPortal to use their newer 4.x branch but they don't have clear documentation yet on how to integrate a custom file manager and I have not been able to figure out how to do it yet.

​After all the generous beers you have bought me in the last few years I always try to provide good service whenever you have a question or need help, you are a kind soul and a valued customer!



9/25/2013 2:40:53 AM
Total Posts 220

Re: Problems with Editors in / 3.5

Hi Joe,

the hints were very helpful smiley


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