Web Store - maximum number of items per purchase

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9/7/2013 2:14:08 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Web Store - maximum number of items per purchase

I'd like to limit the number of any one offer that a customer can buy in the store.  So when a customer adds a product to the cart, there should be a cap on the quantity they can set. At present I think this is capped by the number available*, but I would like a per-order cap.

I imagine this may be a common requirement - not more than N per customer of any particular offer. Yes the customer could complete the purchase and go back round again - I'm not after a bombproof solution, just something better that saying "please only buy one", which hasn't worked so far!

I can see this as a config option on AdminOfferEdit.aspx "Max items per customer".

* actually I'm finding that it is not. I've set "qty on hand" for a product to 150, and a couple have already been purchased, yet I find I can purchase 160 - is that a bug?

PS apologies, this should be in the Feature Requests forum - I started off asking admins whether this was possible, realised it was not and turned it into a request.

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