Form Wizard Pro - layout question

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7/22/2013 10:35:08 AM
Total Posts 6

Form Wizard Pro - layout question

Hello all,

We're considering buying Form Wizard Pro. After working with it in on the demo site, i had a quick question:

Is it possible to put two fields side-by-side? I was only able to stack them vertically.

Like this:

First Name: _____________  Last Name: _______________


7/22/2013 11:11:37 AM
Total Posts 2249

Re: Form Wizard Pro - layout question


It most certainly is possible. We have a good example of this here. To do this you will need to enable the "Enable Per Question CSS Classes" option on the form and add CSS classes on the individual inputs you put on the form. If you look at the markup and CSS for the page I linked above, you will see how it all ties together. This example actually uses another option as well; "Flatten Pages As Groups," which allows you to have groups of inputs.

Just post any questions you have and we'll be happy to help.

Hope this helps,
Joe Davis

7/23/2013 10:47:43 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: Form Wizard Pro - layout question

Great, thanks for the response. We'll check out that CSS. Thanks!

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