Calendar pro

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7/5/2013 2:20:17 AM
Total Posts 13

Calendar pro

Hi Joe,

Here in the UAE, weekend is Fri-Sat. How do you change the weekends in the calendar pro? And also, in the Day and Week view, is it possible to set a fix time range to show? Like from 6:30am to 9:30pm. 


7/5/2013 8:44:05 AM
Total Posts 13

Re: Calendar pro

Hi Joe,

Forget about the Day and Week view, I found how to show the time range that i want...

The only thing now is how to change the weekends. And also, It seems that the events does not show up in Day and Week view if the event start and end time is the same. How can you make them show up?


7/5/2013 12:18:38 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Calendar pro

Hi Francis,

The weekend days should adapt the calendar based on the language settings, if you force the site to your chosen language the calendar should adapt to the conventions of the culture settings. However I think it can only work well for Gregorian Calendars.

If those settings don't help I do not know of a way to change that at the moment but I will look into it and see if I can make it add extra css classes based on the day of the week name, that way at least you could override it by css.

With Day View and Week View I think the problem is those views are designed to show the duration of an event visually so if an event has no duration there is nothing to show in those views.

I could make it add one minute to those events end time if it equals the start time and that will make it show up on the view. I will do that for the next release of Event Calendar Pro.



7/5/2013 11:17:43 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: Calendar pro

Hi Joe,

I tried the force culture using (ar-AE) and it worked. It's showing the correct weekends the only thing now is how to change the text (Months, Days) to English. Any idea? 

May I suggest to add at least an hour by default or make it so that we could specify the time to add manually in the user.config? I think it will be too small when rendered if you only add one minute.

 Hope you could release the new patch soon :)  

Thanks again.

7/6/2013 11:14:38 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Calendar pro


<add key="site1culture" value="ar-AE" />
<add key="site1uiculture" value="en-US" />

first one controls number formats, calendars, date formats, etc

second one controls which resx files are used but not sure about months and day names since that goes with the calendar.

In the next release of Event Calendar Pro I will add extra css classes in month view for the day names so there will be classes like

.day-Monday {}

.day-Tuesday {}

so that you could control the style for any day of the week and override the .mpcalendarweekendday {} if it selects the wrong days

This way you could keep everything as English including date formats but still make friday and saturday styles as you want

I'll post again on this thread after the next release of Event Calendar Pro



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