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6/25/2013 8:32:20 PM
Total Posts 5 cache?

Hi Joe,

We are running MojoPortal, .NET 4.0 Running in Full Trust and we are having a heck of a time seeing our changes reflected. From another post I have read it sounds like there may be some caching somewhere but we are unable to find it.  We have tried a number of tactics to get our changes to reflect on our pages. If we create a new site on the same instance and then edit the we can see our changes happen one time but not again. Meaning, if we go to that same file we just changed and make another change to the the changes to do not show up.  Any advice would be really helpful. 

Thank you,


6/26/2013 11:34:55 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: cache?


I have occasionally seen problems like that myself, the theme cache is managed by and it should be invalidated in mojoPortal if the file or the web.config file is modified and generally it works correctly but every now and then I have definitely run into this sticky theme cache problem where it seems to be stuck. In those cases I've resorted to things like recycling the app pool or even restarting iis or rebooting to get past it, though I know those things are problematic in a production environment. One less disruptive solution for production is to copy the skin with a new name and then change to that skin.

The theme cache as mentioned is managed by outside of mojoPortal control. We pass in one cachedependency that points to the file and one that points to the web.config file to and that should make it watch those files for changes and clear the cache if they change. When this problem occurs it seems as if for some reason does not notice the changes to the files or in some way lost the references or stopped watching them.

Again I rarely encounter this though I have encountered it. In a dev environment I'd try a reboot.

Hope that helps,


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