Removing borders on tables?

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6/10/2013 2:54:30 PM
Total Posts 17

Removing borders on tables?

I am trying to remove the borders around the tables where "File Name", "Size(KB)", "Modified", "Uploaded By", etc. appear.

I noticed that all of the skins have the tables set with 1px borders.

I'm an advanced CSS user, but have never seen a framework like this before where you can't just access the CSS file and change border setting from say 1px to 0px.

Any advice is greatly appreciated...I'm 3 days into this now, just trying to remove the stupid borders. Ha.


6/11/2013 12:22:05 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Removing borders on tables?

You can edit any of the css you want with a text editor

Skin files including css files are located under /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins/[skinname]

where SiteID is usually 1 and skinname corresponds to the skin name in the dropdown for skins under Administration > Site Settings.

CSS files are combined in the order that they are listed within style.config file (also in the skin folder).

After editing any css, you need to go to Administration > Advanced Tools > Design Tools > Cache Tool and click the button to reset the skin guid, this will force the web browser to reload the updated css instead of using its cached copy.

And of course use browser dev tools to inspect elements to find what css selectors and rules are affecting it

Hope that helps,


6/12/2013 8:47:14 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: Removing borders on tables?

Thank for the response Joe. I've tried editing those CSS files already, but I'll work with it some more.

One other question...

I noticed in other forum posts that you needed to clear the cache to see any updates to the site. However, I do not see this option (Design Tools > Cache Tool) under my advanced tools. All I have are the following:

Administration Menu > Advanced Tools
Advanced Tools

    Url Manager
    301 Redirect Manager - For Pages That Have Changed Urls
    Banned IP Addresses
    Feature Installation/Configuration
    Web Part Installation

6/12/2013 9:17:55 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Removing borders on tables?

Sounds like you are using a very old version of mojoPortal. What version does it say under Administration > System Information?

6/12/2013 9:21:26 AM
Total Posts 17

Re: Removing borders on tables?

mojoPortal Version MSSQL

6/12/2013 11:00:17 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Removing borders on tables?


If at all possible, you should upgrade. is a very old version (September 2009). If you can't upgrade then you need to do the following to see your CSS changes:

  1. Set the following in your user.config file and restart the application (open web.config, add a space at the bottom and save).
    <add key="CacheCssOnServer" value="false"/>
    <add key="CacheCssInBrowser" value="false"/>
  2. After making all of your changes, copy your skin to a new folder (YourSkinName_v2 for example) and set the site to use the new skin.
  3. Finally, change the keys from step one to true and restart the application.

Joe D.

6/12/2013 11:02:39 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Removing borders on tables?

Sorry, I should add that step 2 is needed to force browsers to download the skin again. Without doing this, browsers could be using a cached copy of the skin files (css, images, etc…). The "Reset Skin Version GUID" feature in newer versions of mojo appends a guid to the url for the CSSHandler so that takes the place of renaming the skin.

Joe D.

6/12/2013 2:44:21 PM
Total Posts 17

Re: Removing borders on tables?


Thanks for the help modifying the files so that I can instantly see CSS changes. That's working now.

However, still having no luck removing the borders around the content tables. I've literally gone through each instance of border settings in all of the CSS files, changing each one and reloading the page...

Do you know off hand which file outputs page data? For example, we have a lot of forms our clients download, when I add a form, it shows in a table with the "File Name", "Size(KB)", "Modified", "Uploaded By", etc info.

I'd like to get rid of all of that (in addition to the borders)...but just need to know which file(s) output page content.

Thanks again.

6/12/2013 2:54:01 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Removing borders on tables?


It sounds to me like you're using the Shared Files feature. I do not recommend changing the files responsible for the markup rendered to the browsers because you'll lose your changes when you upgrade and you may also inadvertently break something else.

If you share a link to the site, I can help you with the necessary CSS to hide the borders and columns you do not want. You can also change the settings on the module to not show some of those columns.

Joe D.

6/12/2013 3:06:59 PM
Total Posts 17

Re: Removing borders on tables?


The site is

However, I don't think you'll be able to see anything since it's a secure employee portal.

I tell you what, I'm gonna go ahead and create a username for you so that you can log in and see what I'm talking about.

login with email "" pass - "joemojo"

Once you log in you'll be redirected to a page which has a table on it with the stuff I would like to remove.

6/12/2013 3:33:41 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Removing borders on tables?


Click the settings link next to that instance of Shared Files. On the settings page, you will options for showing the different columns. You can uncheck any of these that you do not want to show.

To remove the borders, add the following to your CSS:

.FileManager_table table td { border: 0; }

To remove the table header row, add the following to your CSS:

.FileManager_table table tr:first-child { display: none; }

Once you upgrade, you can go even further and the following to your file (located in your skin directory) which will apply to all of the Shared File instances on your site:

<%@ Register Namespace="mojoPortal.Web.SharedFilesUI" Assembly="mojoPortal.Features.UI" TagPrefix="sf" %>

<sf:SharedFilesDisplaySettings runat="server"

Again, I highly suggest you upgrade. The version you are running is very old and possibly has security vulnerabilities.

Joe D.

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