Jquery mess in

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6/5/2013 12:34:19 AM
Total Posts 8

Jquery mess in

jQuery is used by the Arteester template(3.1), by MojoPortal (from googleapis site), by .NET. 

The jQuery-based script in the template produces runtime errors after upgrading to 

How to handle all this mess?

Update 1:

Temporarily fixed by adding IncludeJQueryMigrate="true" into layout.master.
But the question remains for future developments.

6/5/2013 5:54:43 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Jquery mess in

That is the correct solution as described in the Important Skin Changes article. Only other possible solution is to forever be stuck using legacy version of jquery. My expectation is that future versions of Artisteer will be updated to the newer jquery.

6/5/2013 6:42:13 AM
Total Posts 8

Re: Jquery mess in

"jQuery hell"!

M$ should pack it into an assembly and let us use it "side-by-side" :-)

6/5/2013 10:55:21 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Jquery mess in

This change (using jQueryMigrate) has nothing to do with Microsoft. The jQuery team made major changes with jQuery 1.9 which caused a lot of "older" jQuery plugins and general jQuery code to break. The jQuery-Migrate plugin allows one to continue to use old code and plugins with jQuery 1.9+.

Joe D.

6/5/2013 10:50:23 PM
Total Posts 91

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: Jquery mess in

Because of the various changes in jQuery (for the betterment of all I might add) certain functions no longer work as you have experienced.  jQuery Migrate is not only for fixing your deprecated scripts, it will also display the issues that have been found in the browser's console for the use of fixing the issues.  I would suggest that you read up on it here and make the appropriate changes the the skin's scripts to future proof your skin, it will also mean that you won't have to include jQuery Migrate and your load time will be faster.

Sometimes updating things can be a pain, but with the internet always growing it's necessary.

Hope that helps,


6/6/2013 10:23:21 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Jquery mess in

Thanks for the beers Rostbif! Much appreciated.



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