How to make only one 'HTML Content' feature transparent

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5/30/2013 10:02:35 AM
Total Posts 83
-- Joe

How to make only one 'HTML Content' feature transparent

I would like to make just 1 of the many "HTML Content" features on a single page have a transparent background and set its margins to zero using the custom class .TransparentModule

I tried to use the "Custom CSS Class" for this but the styles defined there are at the ".art-content" level, but the background is defined at the ".art-post" level (see below)

<div id='ctl00_mainContent_ctl00_pnlOuterWrap' class='art-content clearfix TransparentModule'>
<div id='ctl00_mainContent_ctl00_pnlInnerWrap' class='panelwrapper htmlmodule'>
<div class='art-post art-article'>
<div class='art-postmetadataheader'>....

The CSS for .TransparentModule

.TransparentModule  {
    padding: 0px;
    border-style: none;
    margin: 0;
    background: transparent;  }

The CSS is being applied correctly but the lower level background color is overriding TransparentModule.  Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help!

-- Joe Vago

5/30/2013 10:46:27 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: How to make only one 'HTML Content' feature transparent

In addition to what you have, try this:

.TransparentModule .art-content {
   background: transparent;

Joe D.

5/30/2013 10:59:29 AM
Total Posts 83
-- Joe

Re: How to make only one 'HTML Content' feature transparent

Thanks for the quick reply.  Unfortunately thta didn't work. 

This CSS is lower and being applied in <div class='art-post art-article'>

.art-post { background: #FFFFFF;   padding: 5px;   margin: 5px;  }

Also I tried - without success - to use the !important keyword

.TransparentModule {   background: transparent !important;   padding: 0px !important;   margin: 0 !important;    }

.TransparentModule .art-content {    background: transparent !important; }

I really expected that to work... but it did not.

To be sure I reset the skin GUID many times but still no luck.

Any other ideas?  -- Joe Vago

5/30/2013 1:59:52 PM
Total Posts 83
-- Joe

Re: How to make only one 'HTML Content' feature transparent

So I tested this a bit more and its now working in a 2nd HTML Content feature but not the one I want (which has some jQuery script in the HTML Content).  

I will continue to test.

Thanks agian -- Joe

5/30/2013 3:42:05 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: How to make only one 'HTML Content' feature transparent

Sorry, I read your original post incorrectly. The selector should be .TransparentModule .WhateverClassIsOnTheDivWithTheBackgroundColor. So, I think, the selector should be .TransparentModule .art-post. Would be best if I could see the site in question to make sure there aren't other rules applying that would prevent this from working.

.TransparentModule .art-post {
    background-color: transparent;

Joe D.

5/30/2013 3:50:32 PM
Total Posts 83
-- Joe

Re: How to make only one 'HTML Content' feature transparent

Joe D. you rock.  That did the trick (I should have figured that out myself).

Thank you very much! -- Joe Vago

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