Fix styles after upgrade

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5/29/2013 9:16:53 AM
Total Posts 9

Fix styles after upgrade

Hi - I just upgraded a client's site from to The scripts all completed successfully, so everything is good from that perspective, however, the styles are clearly messed up. They have their own skins (that were not changed in the upgrade). I am assuming that some other .css has changed that has affected their custom one. I'm seeing things like footer divs that used to go all the way across that are now crunched all the way to the left, divs on top of other divs, things like that.

My question is, what would be a likely place to start looking? There are many .css files in addition to their custom one, I'm hoping that there is a common place that things get confused in an upgrade.

Thanks for any direction you can give me.




5/29/2013 9:28:45 AM
Total Posts 108
Community Expert

Re: Fix styles after upgrade

Please review  the important skin changes in

you have 5 important changes since your last upgrade

5/29/2013 11:04:09 AM
Total Posts 9

Re: Fix styles after upgrade

Thanks very much - sorry I don't have experience with mojoportal, just got assigned to do the upgrade.

Skin upgrade page says:

To update an existing skin created in Artisteer 3.0, download the from our codeplex download page and copy the file from one of the artisteer30 skins included in the zip.

I'm not clear what it means by "copy the file" - copy the file to where? Am I just taking the whole file and putting it somewhere, or am I looking at the contents and modifying an existing file in my installation based on that file?

5/29/2013 11:20:08 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Fix styles after upgrade

All mojoPortal skins have a file, those instructions are just for updating older skins that were made in artisteer 3 that now need to have different settings in to be compatible with the latest mojoPortal.

So if you are using a skin that was created in Artisteer 3 then you need to replace the file in the skin folder with one of the updated ones from some other artiteer 3 skin.

Skin files used by the site are located at /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins/[skinname]

where SiteID is usually 1 unless it is a multi site installation and skinname corresponds to skin name in the skin dropdown in

Administration > Site Settings

Note that files for any specific version of Artisteer are the same (across skins made with that version) but they are different for different versions of Artisteer, so you need to make sure you know what version of Artisteer your skin was made with. Typically for the skins we ship we have a version indicator in the name of the skin


6/14/2013 4:32:26 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: Fix styles after upgrade

Hi - I reviewed the skin changes since my client last updated, and it seemed like the only one related to styles was the one for I did get a new file (for 3.0, their Artisteer version) and replaced the ones in their 3 custom skin folders. However, this did nothing. The css is still messed up.

Am I misunderstanding about not needing the other skin update changes listed? They seemed specific to facebook, jquery plugins, or playing video, or other things not happening on this site, which is why I only applied the one related to css and Artisteer.

Alternately, is there something else you could recommend that I look at that could be the problem? 

Thanks again for your help - Harriet



6/15/2013 5:48:05 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Fix styles after upgrade

If they are hosted in .NET 3.5 medium trust then you also need to copy the file from the skin folder into /App_Themes/Default replacing the one that is already there.

I would also check if any javascript errors are happening in the page which could be a factor in the problem.

For best results when asking for help with design issues you should post a link to the site if possible so that those who would help can actually see the problem.


6/17/2013 10:25:38 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: Fix styles after upgrade

Thanks for your reply. This upgrade was done on an internal dev version so can't be seen from an outward facing URL. (Good that they didn't break the real site, but bad that I can't have you look at it).

They are .NET 4.0/ full trust. I tried copying the where you said anyway just to try it, but it didn't help.

Regarding the javascript suggestion, when I run it in IE8 I get jQuery.browser.msie is null or not an object on line 120 of ScriptResource.axd. In Chrome it says "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'msie' of undefined" on the same line. This is part of the begin Menu code that looks like it's trying to change art-hmenu. The menu doesn't seem to have a problem, it's more other columns on the page and the footer (on top of each other, not in right place). Do you think that error could cause general style problems?


Thanks - Harriet




6/18/2013 5:43:27 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Fix styles after upgrade

To solve the script errors you need to enable the jquery migrate plugin as discussed on the Important Skin Changes article, it may also solve the design problems because right now the Artisteer scripts are not working due to the script errors.

6/25/2013 11:17:01 PM
Total Posts 9

Re: Fix styles after upgrade

Hi - in the layout.master file, on the line that says:

<portal:ScriptLoader ID="ScriptLoader1" runat="server"/>

I changed it to:

<portal:ScriptLoader ID="ScriptLoader1" runat="server" IncludeJQueryMigrate="true" />

Now in the javascript console window I get:

JQMIGRATE: jquery.browser is depricated

​I no longer get the other javascript error, but it made no change at all in the layout/css being trashed.

Did I understand the change correctly? Any other thoughts?

Here is one thing I have noticed. They have three skins created in Artisteer. The one that is used only for the home page is the worst - columns on top of each other lots of stuff in the wrong place. But another of their skins that's used for internal pages is fine. Is that any clue? Could there be particular things they did in one artisteer-created skin that is likely to cause problems?

Thanks for your help. I know this is dragging on, but it isn't something I can spend much time on. I do appreciate your ideas and expertise.

Thanks - Harriet


6/26/2013 9:25:17 AM
Total Posts 2241

Re: Fix styles after upgrade


The jQueryMigrate setting is probably not going to help out with layout/css issues. It's for script related problems. The notice you get about jquery.Browser being deprecated is expected and can be ignored until you get your scripts updated to be compatible without jQueryMigrate.

As for the layout issues, did you read all of the entries on the Important Skin Changes page from each version between the version that was on the site and the version that was upgrade to? The site was on and it was upgraded to you'll need to make changes for each version listed on the Important Skin Changes page. had a lot of Artisteer changes so that could be your answer.

Joe D.

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