CSS and MojoPortal?

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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5/27/2013 6:56:27 AM
Total Posts 65

CSS and MojoPortal?


Im running MojoPortal version MySQL.

I can see that .pagebody is placed in a csshandler.ashx, where to I edit this?

I also saw this in the documentation : We've made this easy by appending a random guid to the url for the CSS handler, so to change the url all you need to do is reset the skin Guid. You can do this by clicking a button under Administration > Advanced Tools > Design Tools > Cache Tool

This is not existing in my version? How to solve it?


5/27/2013 7:04:48 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: CSS and MojoPortal?


The .pagebody selector can be found in one of the css files in your skin (\data\sites\[site number\skins\[skin name]). Most likely it will be in style.css

To get the skin version guid feature, you'll need to upgrade your mojoPortal instance.

Joe D.

5/27/2013 7:43:49 AM
Total Posts 65

Re: CSS and MojoPortal?

Thanks, how do I do If I dont dare to update MojoPortal, I do not want to run in to problems in our already existing webpage, all I need to do is to update the skin(CSS and HTML).

5/27/2013 8:05:20 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: CSS and MojoPortal?


Make a copy of your skin and name it something like SkinName-May2013, then set your site to use the new skin.

Joe D.

5/27/2013 8:23:40 AM
Total Posts 65

Re: CSS and MojoPortal?

I found it, there is 2 settings in the user.config about the cache​ that needs to be set to false.

5/27/2013 10:03:13 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: CSS and MojoPortal?


If your goal is to force all users of your site to download the new skin changes, you will need to rename the skin after making all of your changes. This is a manual process which is why the skin version guid feature was created.

Joe D.

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