StartNodeId for menu

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5/15/2013 8:39:23 AM
Total Posts 183

StartNodeId for menu

Hi Joe,

since I'm in trouble with my layout that I had from a developer, I have a question about a request.
When you look at the documentation of a menu, you can use StartingNodeOffset.
But would it be possible to get a StartNodePageId? That way, you can build up a menu with all the subpages of that page and use it everywhere you want, on every page.

The purpose is to get all kind of menu's working, but from a certain page. Cause now, you can use the pagemenu with a layout, but this only works if you are on a certain top level. All other subpages are not visible.

Is this possible?


5/15/2013 8:58:46 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: StartNodeId for menu


Yes, you can use StartingNodeUrl. Basically, you set the url of the parent page of all your pages you want in the menu. The menu is then built using those pages and it doesn't change regardless of the page you are on.

I built a mojoPortal module for this a while back. You can see it  here. You can login with, password is admin.

If you're interested in purchasing it ($25), let me know.

Joe D.

5/15/2013 2:36:06 PM
Total Posts 183

Re: StartNodeId for menu

Hi Joe,

I ckecked your example, but is this a standard functionality of mojoportal? Or something you made?

Cause I tried using the following:

<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="LeftMenuDataSource" runat="server" ShowStartingNode="false" StartingNodeUrl="/nl/default.aspx?pageid=4"/> (yes, I'm running a site as a folder).

 <portal:PageMenu id="PageMenu1" runat="server" UseTreeView="false" Direction="Horizontal" DynamicDisplayLevels="0" IsSubMenu="true" SiteMapDataSource="LeftMenuDataSource"/>

But there is nothing to see.
Under the page with id 4 I have 2 subpages.

What I want is this:

Home - Menu - Page 3 .....(some visual things) ..... Contant - Links. Under that,  I have a second horizontal menu.
So I thought I make a page, leftmenu (not visible in menu nor sitemap), and put home, menu and other pages under that.
Also creating a rightmenu page (same things like leftmenu) and put contact and links under it.

That is the purpose. Is this possible with the standard mojoportal thing? If not, I'm happy to pay for what you have made if this is possible.

Can you let me know?


5/15/2013 3:23:42 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: StartNodeId for menu


Sorry, responded to your message in a hurry this morning. You cannot use the PageMenu control with the StartingNodeUrl. You have to use mojoTreeView or mojoMenu. You'll need to use ~/ in your value for the StartingNodeUrl.

The module I referenced is one that I built which uses the built-in functionality but allows a site admin to place an arbitrary menu on a page without needing to modify the layout.master.

Joe D.

5/15/2013 3:39:53 PM
Total Posts 183

Re: StartNodeId for menu

Joe, would you module work for me?

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