"double" menu part 2

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5/7/2013 2:21:53 PM
Total Posts 183

"double" menu part 2

Hi there,

I tried to follow the instructions of this topic, but it does not work.

I checked the site of Joe D. but I can not see how the pages are setup, how the hierarchy is made.
Is the left menu and the top menu really dynamic? Or is there something hardcoded made?
Can you share us the hierarchy?

The purpose is to create a skin, but I have to show 2 menu's with sub items: a left menu and a right menu.
Can someone help me further ?


5/15/2013 2:29:35 AM
Total Posts 183

Re: "double" menu part 2

Nobody sad?

5/15/2013 10:38:37 AM
Total Posts 93

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: "double" menu part 2


Are you wanting a horizontal main menu and then a vertical left sub menu like the topic you referred to, or a vertical left main menu with a vertical left sub menu?  The setup will be a bit different depending on what you want.


5/15/2013 2:11:34 PM
Total Posts 183

Re: "double" menu part 2


no, I want to have a menu on the left and a menu on the right, in top of the page, both horizontal and with its own horizontal submenu. There is something between the two parts of top menu items.

I was thinking of trying to do that with javascript and css, but it would be better to have 2 menu's, each with it own subpages.


5/16/2013 5:30:10 PM
Total Posts 93

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: "double" menu part 2

Is this kind of what you want? http://cdpn.io/pzkEl

5/17/2013 7:56:49 AM
Total Posts 183

Re: "double" menu part 2

That is indeed what I want and how I have worked it out.

Thanks for the code, yours is a bit better wink

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