Recover Password page Shows Error.

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3/13/2013 6:41:35 AM
Total Posts 28

Recover Password page Shows Error.

I have one Parent Menu (My Account) 
Inside that Recover password is submenu which redirects to inbuilt page of mojo portal

I have changed url of the page 
& now the actual (RecoverPassword.aspx) page is started showing me error(This webpage has a redirect loop).So I revert back my changes.But still problem continues.

Can i revert back my changes.
If possible let me know.

Also I would like to know how to remove some Content from Registration page 
For Eg. I dont want to show 
(UserID ,Security Question ,Security Answer etc. ).
I have read the documentaion of (UserProfileConfiguration).
But it Doesnt have information about How to remove content.
I would also like to change sequece of the elements in Registration page.
How can i achieve it?

3/13/2013 8:37:51 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Recover Password page Shows Error.

To solve any error first you need to find out the error details. See Basic Troubleshooting.

Things like userid and security question and answer are not custom profile properties they are part of the security and account system. You can opt to not show the security question and answer from Site Settings > Security it will just be populated with default question and answers if you do that so that it is not empty if you ever turn it back on.

All accounts must have both a unique login name and email address. If you are using email for login you can hide the login name (user id) on the registration page and populate it automatically but it will still be visible on the user account profile.

Put this in user.config if you want to not autogenrate the user login name and not show it during the registration:

<add key="AutoGenerateAndHideUserNamesWhenUsingEmailForLogin" value="true" />

You should not modify mojoPortal code, you should not try to change urls or file names for .aspx files that are part of mojoPortal that is equivalent to forking the code and we cannot provide support for forked versions of the code.

3/14/2013 12:42:21 AM
Total Posts 28

Re: Recover Password page Shows Error.

Thanks for Reply .I have made changes for Register page & It is working fine now. 
but i also would like to know how can i change sequence of elements in Register page

like I would like to show elemts in this order

First Name
Last Name
Re-Enter Passord 

But Since I have definde First Name & Last Name in Custom Profile.config they are displyed After Re-Enter Password Field.
Can i change this sequence. Please let me know.

For Recover Password .I have checked the system Log.
& find out the error Details

2013-03-13 16:12:00,082 ERROR - en-US - /mojoportal/l/Secure/RecoverPassword.aspx - mojoPortal.Web.PageNotFoundHttpModule - Referrer(http://localhost/mojoportal/Secure/Login.aspx?returnurl=/mojoportal/)  PageNotFoundHttpModule handled error. 
System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): The file '/mojoportal/l/Secure/RecoverPassword.aspx' does not exist.

It is searching for  the page in my Site .
How can i change the url Remove siteid .

3/14/2013 10:49:21 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Recover Password page Shows Error.

It is not possible to have arbitrary positions but if First and Last Name are the only custom profile fields you can make them on top by adding this to user.config:

<add key="ShowCustomProfilePropertiesAboveManadotoryRegistrationFields" value="true" />

but it will put all custom profile fields above so if you have more than just those they will be on top as well.

As stated before you cannot change the urls or filenames of physical pages that are part of mojoPortal, it is not supported. If you renamed or moved the /Secure/RecoverPassword.aspx file you broke it and you should restore it as it was.

3/15/2013 1:54:21 AM
Total Posts 28

Re: Recover Password page Shows Error.

Thanks for help.
so to restore the page what i need to do .Do i need to change the database & work with new database.
Is it possible to restore only one page.

3/15/2013 8:57:12 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Recover Password page Shows Error.

The RecoverPassword.aspx page is a file on disk it does not come from the database. You just need to undo whatever you did ie if you renamed the file then restore it on disk to its correct name or restore the file from the installation package.

3/18/2013 2:36:04 AM
Total Posts 28

Re: Recover Password page Shows Error.

I have found out that there is one table named "mp_RedirectList" which store Old Url & new url for redirected page.I removed the record for Recover password page from this table & It is working fine now.Thanks.

3/18/2013 10:14:49 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Recover Password page Shows Error.


That table holds the 301 Redirects created when page names change. You can manage those entries by browsing to Administration > Advanced Tools > 301 Redirects. That should be a bit easier than going into the database.

Joe D.


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