Good eCommerce alternative to Mojo's webstore

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2/27/2013 10:45:24 AM
Total Posts 5

Good eCommerce alternative to Mojo's webstore

I really like MojoPortal and have been implementing several sites on it over the past couple years.  My continued issue is with the webstore where there isn't a good way to lay it out automatically (without building a lot a html for every product, etc.) and it is missing some key features for more traditional eCommerce needs.  That said, I still use it for some sites that need digital downloads and sites that have very small numbers of products.

My question is, what eCommerce package do you guys recommend or that plays well on Mojo servers?   I'm looking for something simple for users to manage and admins to set up.   It's rare I have really big commercial eCommerce needs, but I'd like to use Mojo for the CMS for the main site, blogs, etc. and then use something else with a "store." subdomain.   We've done ZenCart, OSCommerce, Magento and even some WordPress eCommerce sites in the past, but obviously those are all on a PHP / Open Source framework and I was wondering if anyone had some good recommendations for an Open Source .Net based eCommerce / webstore tool - at least until the webstore in MojoPortal gets a little more development focus.  ***Note, maybe there are some behind the scenes ways to implement webstore that I'm not familiar with, but there are very limited options via the admin area / store or product settings.

2/27/2013 11:04:07 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Good eCommerce alternative to Mojo's webstore

Hi Jeff,

We've experienced similar issues with the WebStore feature of mojoPortal. It wasn't really designed to sell physical products but rather music, by the album and the track. Thing of items as tracks and offers as albums. Knowing that might help you understand why it is the way it is but it probably isn't going to help you use it to sell physical products. We've put together some very nice solutions with the WebStore but you're right, you have to build a lot of HTML for each product. We've eased the site owners burden by using the "Content Templates" feature. You can see probably our best work with the WebStore at Paschi Dev.

With all of that said, nopCommerce is a great Open Source .NET e-commerce solution.

Joe D.

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