When adding an item to the bin folder....

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2/10/2013 10:56:01 AM
Total Posts 46

When adding an item to the bin folder....

I have some .net pages that i use in iframes within mojo portal.  When i put the bin in the bin folder all my sites take FOREVER to come back up.  We're talking several minutes + a couple.  Anyone have any ideas what I could do to minimize this downtime?

2/10/2013 9:30:31 PM
Total Posts 2239

Re: When adding an item to the bin folder....


Adding anything to the bin directory will cause ASP.NET to re-compile all of the assemblies. Depending on how many DLLs you are adding and what is required to compile each one, this re-compile can take a while. The contents of the App_GlobalResources directory can also impact this compile time. We used to ship all available language resource files with each release of mojoPortal. A while back we started shipping only English and Italian because they are the most complete. The others are available in a separate download. If you open up your App_GlobalResources directory and have resource files there for languages you do not use, you can remove them and that should help speed up the compile time.

Joe D.

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