Site about Deportation in France during the 1940-1945 war

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2/5/2013 6:05:46 AM
Total Posts 39
Hello from France!

Site about Deportation in France during the 1940-1945 war

Hi Joe,

I forgot to mention a new site that I created with mojoPortal in November 2012.
The url is
This site is partially sponsored by the General Council of the Ain.
This site is about the deportation in France in Ain Department during the 1940-1945 war.
It has 50 static pages, 1400 dynamic pages, 600 images, 150 pdf, ...
It has several custom features (link Between SQL and Google Map to show the path of the deportees, list of persons, list of documents, ...)

Actually, 1500 visits/month

You can view the page: La déportation dans l'Ain > Les camps de la mort > Buchenwald.
This page has 3 custom features.

You can view a other page: Rechercher un déporté, then write MORIN in the first Textbox and click on Rechercher par nom.
A list will show the persons with matching name. Click on 'MORIN dit Chr De Gourbe Paul'.
This action opne a page who give all informations about Paul Morin.
You can see his career since his arrest until his release
Below another module displays all documents that match.

Several other modules are used to fill these documents (with the creation of thumbnails).

Thank you to Joe and mojoPortal which allowed me to achieve this historic site.

I placed a link to mojoPortal on the footer.

Christian ALLEMAND

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