mismatch between Artisteer skin and Mojo site

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2/4/2013 7:12:30 AM
Total Posts 26

mismatch between Artisteer skin and Mojo site

I have a few problems with mismatch between my Artisteer 3 skin and the site when the skin is loaded into Mojo

You can see my site here: http://temp.sejsspejderne.dk/

The first problem is blue frame border and background there is around all my headlines - like "Billeder" on the main site. In my artisteer skin is there no such thing.

The next thing is in the calender site (http://temp.sejsspejderne.dk/kalender.aspx) based on event calender pro - can I remove the borderes arround the month name and go to next month and prev month (I will still have the border arround the actual calender)

I have loaded the design into mojo, by exporting the skin from artisteer and the made a copy of one of the skins provided by mojoportal and replaced with the files from my Artisteer folder - so the problem must be in one of the css files from the original skin? - But i not so good we website codning especially css codning.

So I hope someone can help me





2/4/2013 9:38:18 AM
Total Posts 2240

Re: mismatch between Artisteer skin and Mojo site

For the first problem, add the following to style-artisteeroverrides.css:

.art-postmetadataheader {
    border: 0;
    background-color: transparent;

For the second problem, add the following to the same file:

table.eventcalheader td {
    border: 0;

Joe D.

2/4/2013 10:01:51 AM
Total Posts 26

Re: mismatch between Artisteer skin and Mojo site

Perfect... Thanks a lot for fast help :-)

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