Friendly URLs for file downloads

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1/22/2013 3:56:04 AM
Total Posts 38

Friendly URLs for file downloads

Hi, I've got a couple of queries about friendly urls

1.  Can I create a friendly url for a folder, and let it resolve for all files in that location?  

I have enter a friend url (for example) ​"". against an extant url  of "[x]/downloads/".

I upload a file "myfile.txt" to that location, and try to retrieve it as ""

​I tried this and I get a broken link message from the browser (not from mojoportal).  If I type the folder url in the browser it displays no content, which is expected, but throws no error either.  

I assume I'll have to create friendly links for each file.  Please let me know if there is a way of avoiding work :)

​2.  I have access to a CDN.  Can I issue friendly urls to offsite content?






PS.  Who is


1/22/2013 10:41:48 AM
Total Posts 2240

Re: Friendly URLs for file downloads


There isn't a way to do this in mojoPortal but IIS provides a couple of methods.

  1. Create a Virtual Directory named "downloads" pointing to \Data\Sites\[x]\downloads. A request for http://www.yoursite.url/downloads/somefile.ext will retrieve \Data\Sites\[x]\downloads\somefile.ext. The user will never see the /data/sites/[x]/downloads path.
  2. Use the IIS URL Rewrite Extension to rewrite a request for http://www.yoursite.url/downloads/somefile.ext to http://www.yoursite.url/data/sites/[x]/downloads/somefile.ext. Again, the user never sees the actual URL.

If you're using a hosted server that you don't have control over, you may not be able to use the URL Rewrite Extension because your hosting provider may not have it installed. Most hosting providers allow create of Virtual Directories so that shouldn't be a problem if you decide to go that route.

I don't know who is but I know they're not officially connected to mojoPortal in any way.

Joe D.

1/22/2013 10:54:52 AM
Total Posts 38

Re: Friendly URLs for file downloads

Thank you for your assistance...

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