Form wizard pro

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1/21/2013 6:43:49 AM
Total Posts 28

Form wizard pro

Hi ,

Can you please tell me how to add a clear button to the form for form wizard pro?

How to you change the form wizard pro background colour on form only?

Many Thanks

1/22/2013 10:32:30 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Form wizard pro

There is nothing built into Form Wizard Pro for this, but one option is to use JavaScript to force a page refresh. Form Wizard Pro will lose anything typed in when the page refreshes.

To do this, create a separate HTML feature on the page that contains your form. In the HTML editor, go into the raw HTML view and paste:

<input onclick="history.go(0)" type="button" value="Clear Form" />

Save, and you'll have a button that says "Clear Form" and should do what you want.



1/22/2013 1:20:32 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form wizard pro

I will log a feature request in our project tracker for a "clear form" button or link that can be clicked to blank out the form to its original/default values. 

Is that what you are asking for? I'm curious about your usage scenario and why you want that.



1/23/2013 5:06:51 AM
Total Posts 28

Re: Form wizard pro

Hi Joe,

I have many users that will user the form . The reason why I wanted a clear button was to allow users to re-enter their data if they wanted to start over and enter in different data. This also could be done via a clear a field button. This would allow them to clear a data field.

Many Thanks


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