Two posts in different blogs with the same title

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1/9/2013 4:42:38 AM
Total Posts 6

Two posts in different blogs with the same title

I can not add two posts in different blogs with the same title. Friendly URL disabled. Embedding the Date in URL does not work, because positions can be published in the same day. For example, "The task for the next week".
Help solve the problem.


1/9/2013 10:16:49 AM
Total Posts 2240

Re: Two posts in different blogs with the same title


Are you saying that you have friendly urls disabled and you cannot create two blog posts with the same title in two different blog instances? If yes, I don't see how a problem exists because the actual url of a blog post is like: /Blog/ViewPost.aspx?pageid=3366&mid=5785&ItemID=246 so 1) the title doesn't matter and 2) the pageid, mid and ItemID query parameters will never be the same for two different blog posts in two different blog instances.

If you don't have friendly urls disabled, you could manually add something to the blog posts friendly url to specify which blog it belongs to. For instance, if you have a blog for Sales and a blog for Research, and both blogs will have posts with the title "1st Quarter Report," you could have the friendly url for the Sales post be "~/sales-1st-quarter-report" and the friendly url for the Research post be "~/research-1st-quarter-report."

Hope this helps,
Joe D.

1/10/2013 12:58:37 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: Two posts in different blogs with the same title


Thanks for the quick reply.
The problem occurs only in MS IE9.
If you include the friendly URL. When you create a new post with the title "First post", automatically creates a page URL ~ / First-post.aspx.
If you create another blog post with the same title, automatically created same URL - ~ / First-post.aspx. If you clear the cache MS IE, it then creates a URL - ~ / First-post-1.aspx. After creating the post again to clear the cache and create a third post with the same title, it creates a URL - ~ / First-post-2.aspx. Ie when creating posts with the same title must constantly clean your browser cache.
If you turn off the friendly URL, the post with the same title written only after clearing the browser cache.
I checked the existence of the problem in other browsers: Opera, Firefox, Google Chrome. In these browsers, there is no problem.
Sorry for my English. But I think that the general sense is clear.

1/10/2013 11:59:48 AM
Total Posts 2240

Re: Two posts in different blogs with the same title


I can confirm this is occuring in IE 10 on the mojoPortal Demo site. The Autosuggestion Friendly URL doesn't get the "-1" added until after the browser cache is cleared for the domain.

I looked at the Response Headers from the BlogUrlSuggestService.ashx and the Response Key is showing "Response HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified."

If the user clicks the "Save" button and the post URL can't be created, the post isn't created and the user is redirected to the page containing the blog feature. I think, regardless of the issue in IE, the user should be notified that the post url isn't unique and needs to be to be saved.

Joe D.

1/10/2013 2:31:35 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Two posts in different blogs with the same title

Thanks! This is now fixed in the source code repository and on the demo site.



1/11/2013 5:12:32 AM
Total Posts 6

Re: Two posts in different blogs with the same title


Thank you.
I am glad that the problem is resolved through joint efforts.

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