.NET 4.5

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12/2/2012 10:42:29 AM
Total Posts 221

.NET 4.5

Does anyone having Mojo running under .NET 4.5, any issues? I woudn't think so but am curious what others are doing.


12/18/2012 12:33:35 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: .NET 4.5

I would not expect any torubles running the .NET 4 package of mojoPortal under .NET 4.5, in fact it fixes at least one known bug that happens with IE 10 and .NET 4. At some point we will drop support for .NET 3.5 and make separate packages for .NET 4 and .NET 4.5 but we still get enough downloads of the 3.5 packages that I'm reluctant to drop it yet.

I plan to update my sites today to run .NET 4.5 so I'll post again if I encounter any problems.



12/18/2012 2:31:46 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: .NET 4.5

This site is now running on .NET 4.5. From what I gather it is a compatible in place upgrade to .NET 4, its really like .NET 4 with a few additions bolted on much like .NET 3.5 was really .NET 2 with a few additions. Only problem I had that I should have forseen was that it took 2 server reboots to install .NET 4.5 and its security updates, should have waited till off hours to install it but its done.



12/18/2012 10:36:11 PM
Total Posts 221

Re: .NET 4.5

I upgraded to .NET 4.5 as well and have not had any problems on my 50+ Mojo web sites. It seems like everything is working fine and it's safe for others to upgrade as well.

1/13/2013 11:00:20 AM
Total Posts 139
"All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;" --J.R.R. Tolkien

Re: .NET 4.5

Thanks for that. I was just about to ask, but it appears that everything is fine and dandy.  I'll go take care of my upgrade.  And you should see another site up soon.  LOL.

6/18/2013 10:00:15 AM
Total Posts 190

Re: .NET 4.5

Could someone offer what steps you took to upgrade your mojoPortal installation from .NET 4.0 to 4.5?

6/18/2013 10:49:16 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: .NET 4.5

On my server the only step was to install .NET 4.5, it is an in place upgrade for .NET 4 so all sites that were using .NET 4 automatically use .NET 4.5 after installing it. In fact the 4.5 framework is really the 4.0 framework just as the 3/3.5 was really 2.0. So even when using .NET 4.5 asp.net reports the framework version as v4.0.30319 as seen un mojoPortal under Administration > System Information.

On my windows 8 dev machine it was a little different in that the installation of 4.5 created new application pools for 4.5 whereas on the server no new app pools were created the .NET 4 app pool is updated to 4.5 but still labeled 4.0. I guess on a desktop dev environment they want you to be able to run 4.0 and 4.5 side by side for app debugging purposes but on the server it just upgrades the existing .NET 4 to 4.5 (which as mentioned is really just 4.0 with maybe a newer build number.

Hope that helps,


6/18/2013 11:06:17 AM
Total Posts 190

Re: .NET 4.5

So you don't go into any property pages for the projects in your solution and change the version to 4.5? No web.config changes? Did you switch the application pool for the website on the server to 4.5?

6/18/2013 11:15:50 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: .NET 4.5

mojoPortal is still compiled for 4.0 and I don't recommend you change that or modify any mojoPortal code. Actually, only the UI projects are even compiled for 4.0, the business and data layers are compiled for 3.5 because we use the same ones in our package for 3.5 and we don't need any new 4.x functionality in those projects. So we have 2 versions of each ui project so that we can still compile packages for 3.5.

So 4.5 is our recommended hosting environment now and mojoPortal runs great under that framework but we are not yet compiled for 4.5 and not able to use any new tidbits that are only in 4.5 yet, though you could in your own custom projects. ie you can change the build targets in your custom projects to 4.5 if you want but I don't suggest you modify anything in mojoPortal projects at all.

There are no needed changes in web.config and no app pool settings needed changing on my server as mentioned in my previous post. There is no new app pool for 4.5 in a production environment. On my win 8 dev machine I did change my dev site to use a 4.5 app pool since one exists but no such app pool exists on my server.

4.5 is completely compatible with 4.0, but new 4.5 features can only be used if you do compile to that framework.

6/18/2013 3:05:37 PM
Total Posts 190

Re: .NET 4.5

Now I see. You know, once I tried loading a sub-application in IIS that had a different .NET version target than the parent and it didn't like that. I think I must have made an assumption then that all the projects in my solution had to be targeted to the same CLR version also. Now I see that is not the case at all. Thank you very much.

11/30/2013 11:38:22 AM
Total Posts 41

Re: .NET 4.5 - anyone tried 4.5.1?

We have been putting off upgrading our production server to .net 4.5 because it actually keeps stalling when we try for some reason.  But we've reached the point where we really need to as there are too many users having issues with the IE10 bug and now IE11 seems to stop some users even logging it! 

So, we need to bite the bullet and I wondered if it was worth trying .net 4.5.1 now that it's out?  We may have more luck installing it so if it'll also run mojo fine then that seems the most sensible way to go.

Anyone tried it?

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