Slow site after upgrade to mojoportal-2-3-9-3

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11/13/2012 6:27:08 AM
Total Posts 37

Slow site after upgrade to mojoportal-2-3-9-3

Hello all -

I just upgraded a site to the new version of mojoPortal and now I am experiencing really, really slow everything. Is there something more i need to do as part of the new installation? I have read and followed the install instructions.

The new form wizard pro was also added as part of the install.

Any help advice is appreciated



11/13/2012 6:27:50 AM
Total Posts 37

Re: Slow site after upgrade to mojoportal-2-3-9-3

BTW the website is:

11/13/2012 7:05:47 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Slow site after upgrade to mojoportal-2-3-9-3

What version did you upgrade from?

Did you deploy an official release package or did you deploy your own build from source code? If you built from source did you make sure to deploy a release build and make sure <compilation debug="false" in Web.config? A debug build will be slower.

Are you running any custom features?

Are you using .NET 3.5 or .NET 4?

What kind of hosting do you have?

Are you seeing anything in the log under Administation > System Log

For example if you see constant logging of applicaiton start and end events it would usually mean not enough server memory is allocated to the site and that would kill performance.

I'm not aware of anything in the latest version that would degrade performance. Haven't seen that on my sites nor any other reports of it.

11/13/2012 8:42:46 AM
Total Posts 37

Re: Slow site after upgrade to mojoportal-2-3-9-3

Hi Joe - thanks for the reply!

Not sure what version I upgraded from.

Here are the answers to the questions.

I deployed this version: from the top of this page:

No custom features other than Form Wizard Pro (latest version also installed).

.NET 4

Godaddy hosting

There is a ton of stuff in the system log - here it is:




11/13/2012 9:08:22 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Slow site after upgrade to mojoportal-2-3-9-3

Your log is showing very frequent application stop and start events which happens when the app pool reaches the allocated amount of memory usage, IIS shuts down the app then it starts again on the next request but soon/almost immediately reaches it again  thus it just keep recycling the app and that kills performance. If the app had enough memory to keep running it woukld run much faster because application startup entails a lot of JIT compiling by the runtime.

I would definitely disable the appkeepalive task to see if that helps but the bottom line is that GoDaddy is cheap hosting that doesn't give you much resources in terms of memory. Better hosting would be my primary advice. The keep alive task is meant to keep your app pool from recycling due to low traffic by generating a little traffic to keep it awake and keep IIS from shutting it down due to no traffic (the IIS default is to shut down an app after 20 minutes of no traffic), but your app pool is being constantly shut down anyway so that task is not helping and turning it off may free up a little memory and may help a little.



11/13/2012 9:21:08 AM
Total Posts 37

Re: Slow site after upgrade to mojoportal-2-3-9-3

Joe - thanks so much for your advice. I will disable the appkeepalive.


Greg Windle

11/13/2012 9:25:52 AM
Total Posts 37

Re: Slow site after upgrade to mojoportal-2-3-9-3

Joe -
Would you say that arvixe is good hosting? What do you recommend?


11/13/2012 10:21:58 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Slow site after upgrade to mojoportal-2-3-9-3

Hi Greg,

Arvixe shared hosting is good budget hosting, I definitely think it is better than GoDaddy and I don't think you would have the constant recycling problem there. We've had mostly good feedback on Arvixe and a few reports of problems but they have been very good about escalating the support when people have had problems and I haven't seen anyone have problems that didn't ultimately get resolved and lots of people have been using mojoPortal there without any problems at all. Shared hosting anywhere can be a mixed bag because your site is on a server with lots of other sites and occassionally one can run into troubles because of some other rogue app on the server draining resources. I've seen a few cases where people had some problems and Arvixe moved their site to as different server and all was well again but I think that can happen on any shared hosting situation and at least Arvixe is willing to help in those cases. In general I think Arvixe is one of the best values at the budget shared hosting level. One can certainly get more robust hosting but usually that costs a bit more so it depends on how important the site is and what the budget is.



11/15/2012 12:13:14 PM
Total Posts 355

Re: Slow site after upgrade to mojoportal-2-3-9-3

gwindle - Arvixe also has community liaisons (like me) to help troubleshoot and if necessary, escalate any support issues that arise. If you run into a hosting-related issue after trying Arvixe, just ping me, and I'll help fast-track a resolution for you. Have a great day!

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