Milestones reached

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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11/12/2012 10:47:09 AM
Total Posts 1203
Proud member of the mojoPortal team

Help support mojoPortal!
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Milestones reached

I happened to notice today that I just made my 1,000th post in the mojoPortal community. Next month is also the 2-year anniversary of our city government adopting mojoPortal as our CMS of choice. In that time we've grown to nine sites with tens of thousands of pages, and custom features ranging from land parcel lookup to online utility bill payments.

I just wanted to drop a quick note and again thank Joe Audette for his tireless work on this great product. Any time I get a request for development to extend our sites, I know I will be able to build what we need with a minimum of fuss, and he's here providing support on the forum so often I sometimes wonder if he takes any days off at all!

Big thanks too to Joe Davis, Kerry Doan, Asad, Samarian, and all the other community members who are providing support and working together to make mojoPortal the hands-down best open source CMS choice for the Microsoft ecosystem!


11/12/2012 11:08:02 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Milestones reached

Thank you Jamie!

That is a great testimonial!

I'd like to also thank you for all the help you provide to community members in these forums over the past few years!



11/15/2012 11:41:36 AM
Total Posts 76

Re: Milestones reached

I agree with Jamie. Thank you Joe for all your creativity and hard work on this. You make websites happen!

Just like Jamie, I've developed highly scalable apps on top of MojoPortal with custom features and modules around it. is a living example which runs on a custom built private CDN for streaming videos and serving MojoPortal sites hosted across various datacenters around the globe. Hundreds of customers are currently using it.

Plus I have a few enterprise level large scale applications coming up on MojoPortal and I'm hoping MojoPortal makes it to the enterprise too. We're with you to make this happen Joe!


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