Newsletter Import Subscribers Utility (NewsLetterImportUtil.aspx)

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11/10/2012 12:07:22 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Newsletter Import Subscribers Utility (NewsLetterImportUtil.aspx)

You are right that there is a bug in the plain text email token replacement for unsubscribe, if the UserGuid is empty it should use SubscribeGuid as the Html email token replacement does. I just fixed in my copy so it will be fixed in the next release, but most people will subscribe to the html rather than plain text anyway and it is working correctly there. When importing users I would opt them into the html email not plain text since the html newsletter is a much better marketing mechanism than a plain text email.

A subscriber should not need a UserGuid to unsubscribe.



11/10/2012 12:10:31 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Newsletter Import Subscribers Utility (NewsLetterImportUtil.aspx)

"Will a subsequent site registration replace the GUID if there's something (non-zero GUID) already in the UserGuid column of dbo.mp_LetterSubscribe?"

I'm not sure without looking at the code but my guess is no, when associating an existing subscription with a new site registration an empty guid would be expected on the subscriber row.



11/10/2012 12:23:26 PM
Total Posts 22

Re: Newsletter Import Subscribers Utility (NewsLetterImportUtil.aspx)

Subsequent site registration will create a different GUID in the dbo.mp_Users table; however, the original GUID created with the SQL query above will still remain in the dbo.mp_LetterSubscribe table UNTIL the user unsubscribes. Follow-up subscription to the same newsletter again will implant a duplicate of the GUID from the dbo.mp_Users table.

There seems to be no issue with having the two GUIDs, as the one in dbo.mp_LetterSubscribe appears to be ONLY used to track unsubscribe actions.

Hope this helps everyone!


- /\dobe \/\/an

11/10/2012 12:42:07 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Newsletter Import Subscribers Utility (NewsLetterImportUtil.aspx)

As I said before the only purpose of UserGuid field is to relate to mp_Users ie site members, it is only supposed to be used for unsubscribe for site members and it is also used to pull the site members subscriptions into the user profile page.

For non site members the Guid field in mp_LetterSubscribe is supposed to be used for unsubscribe (not the UserGuid field which is expected to have empty guid). However there is a bug in the current release where the wrong field is used for the unsubscribe link for non site members who are subscribed to plain text email.

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