Highlight menu on dynamic pages

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11/2/2012 9:28:39 AM
Total Posts 137
When enough isn't

Highlight menu on dynamic pages


I do have some experience now with MojoPortal and how to manage the menus, sitemaps etc on different levels. And I'm super happy with MojoPortal.

But I can't figure out how to make a page with custom module, which responds to queryparameters highlight the top menu.

Examples: A page with this url http://www.domain.com/race.aspx?pageid=11&mid=20&id=203 or the same page with a friendly url like http://www.domain.com/a-certain-named-race.aspx.

Both of these have indicated the pageid (example 1 in the url and example 2 in the table of friendlyurls where it says ~/Default.aspx?pageid=11&mid=20&id=203), but neither of them make the toplevel menu highlight.

It works for any normal CMS page. But if you e.g. add to that page a queryparameter like ...mojo-page.aspx?id=203 or ..mojo-page.aspx?pageid=11 neither of these make the menu highlight.

Do you have any hints of what I can do?

Best regards


11/4/2012 1:23:22 AM
Total Posts 137
When enough isn't

Re: Highlight menu on dynamic pages

Hi again - Problem SOLVED ..

I found out that setting the TopLevelOnly="true" attribute in SiteMenu was all you needed to make it work in.

This is how it was before:

<portal:SiteMenu ID="SiteMenu1" runat="server" UseTreeView="false" TreeViewPopulateOnDemand="false" HideMenuOnSiteMap="false" DynamicDisplayLevels="0" ></portal:SiteMenu>

This is how it looks when solved:

<portal:SiteMenu ID="SiteMenu1" runat="server" UseTreeView="false" TreeViewPopulateOnDemand="false" HideMenuOnSiteMap="false" TopLevelOnly="true" DynamicDisplayLevels="0" ></portal:SiteMenu>

For some reason you need to force it to show toplevel if queryparameters are set in the url?

So I'm happy again :)

Best regards, Lars

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