Registration required fields (no visual)

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10/24/2012 9:39:58 PM
Total Posts 225

Registration required fields (no visual)

Running MP v2.3.9.3

I notice that on the registration page that the required fields have no visual representation that they are required. This isn't ideal for usability and makes the user go through a trial and error process. I'm thinking this is more of a bug than an enhancement, but it could be either.

Here's an example page. Fields like user id, email, phone, name, etc are all supposed to be required. A little red asterik would be nice.

**A dream feature would be to have a pop-up modal or some nicer way to tell users that they need to correct missing fields. Currently when you try to submit the form you don't realize there are validation errors unless you scroll down past the submit button. A pop-up or maybe putting the validation next to the fields would be nice. This could be applied to the Form Wizard as well, the smae issue exists there.

10/24/2012 10:41:55 PM
Total Posts 216
Community Expert

mojoPortal Hosting & Design @ i7MEDIA!

Re: Registration required fields (no visual)

Hey guys,

In a similar fashion, I think it would be nice to add a class to the inputs of required fields when they are empty. This way we could give them a red border or box-shadow or something when they try to proceed without filling out the required fields.

Eric, so you know, it's possible to make the asterisks that show when a user fails to fill out a required field show automatically. You just need to select them and put "display: block !important;". Not sure about the register page but this works with most inputs. Also, with a little jQuery it is quite possible to detect whenever a .txterror div is made visible, rip it off the page and push it into a modal that you can style however you like.


10/25/2012 9:15:48 AM
Total Posts 225

Re: Registration required fields (no visual)

True, you are right about Form Wizard, that does have the asterisks. In that case I was more talking about where the error validation shows. I like your idea about pulling the validation off the page and doing something fancier with it. I'll have to play with that at some point. If I figure something out I'll post what I discover (although pretty swamped, could take a bit).

My main point here was the lack of visible validation on the registration form. It's not a total deal killer but seems like a possible oversight or maybe a bug that nothing shows.

10/25/2012 9:28:05 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Registration required fields (no visual)

I see your point that the validation summary at the bottom is less user friendly when there are a lot of form fields and scrolling is required.

I'll look into improving that and adding a class on the container div for required fields.



10/25/2012 10:15:06 AM
Total Posts 225

Re: Registration required fields (no visual)

You're the best Joe!

10/25/2012 11:18:37 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Registration required fields (no visual)

Thanks for the beers Eric! Very appreciated!



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