OpenID Tab

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10/22/2012 6:06:25 PM
Total Posts 1

OpenID Tab


We recently upgraded our Mojo and are trying to enable the OpenID tab. I have ensured that in my web.config the openID is true. But when we go to the administration/sitesettings/security and I push the OpenID tab nothing happens. The box for the setting for that will not show up. Any help would be appreciated. 

10/24/2012 11:51:04 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: OpenID Tab


You can make that checkbox appear by adding this to your user.config file:

<add key="ShowLegacyOpenIDSelector" value="true"/>

then touch Web.config to make it reload settings.

However standard Open ID is not very user friendly, very few users even know what it is or what its for or how to use it. Instead of that I highly recommend enabling the Janrain Social Login which is much more obvious and user friendly. 

Hope that helps,


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