Having issues installing on Godaddy

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Post here for help with installation of mojoPortal pre-compiled release packages

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10/22/2012 12:51:14 PM
Total Posts 37

Having issues installing on Godaddy


I'd like to add real quick that I did install mojoPortal successfully on Godaddy some time ago and it went well.  I'm trying to do this again however and its not working so well.

Here's what i've done so far:

  • I've downloaded and extracted the latest deployment files and put them in the root directory of Godaddy. 
  • I set "App_Data", "Data" and "Setup" to have Read/Write permissions within Godaddy.
  • I created an MSSQL Database in Godaddy
  • I opened the Web.config file and I inserted the string from the MSSQL database. 
  • I added the user.config file and made sure it also has the correct MSSQL database string.

The string looks like this:

<add key="MSSQLConnectionString" value="Data Source=tylerc82588.db.5827072.hostedresource.com; Initial Catalog=tylerc82588; User ID=tylerc82588; Password=**********; "/>

I did make sure to set the password for the SQL, just blanked it out above for security purposes. 

When I try to hit http://ssfandp.com/setup/default.aspx I get the following error:

     500 - Internal server error.

     There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!  I still have the old website up and running, so I know its possible to get it going, just not sure whats going on with this one.



10/22/2012 1:00:08 PM
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Re: Having issues installing on Godaddy

Start with Basic Troubleshooting, so you can get the error message detail. If you can't resolve it once you have the detailed error message, post back here and we'll try to help.


10/22/2012 1:12:48 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Having issues installing on Godaddy

The entire directory structure must have at least read permissions, only /App_Data and /Data need write permissions.

If it doesn't have read permission on the web.config file it would cause an error but there is no way to help without the error detail

Also make sure your GoDaddy hosting is configured for .NET 4 and that you are using the .NET 4 mojoPortal package.

10/22/2012 1:34:11 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: Having issues installing on Godaddy

Hi Jamie and Joe,

Ok, I went through the troubleshooting page and I changed the Error message setting:

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"... and change it to this <customErrors mode="Off"...

I still get the 500 - internal server error. Also, i'm not able to find the system log file. I looked in Data/ but there is no currentlog.config file in there?

BUT..I did find out that my Godaddy .net version was not 4.0.  I had thought it was, but it won't let me go any higher than 3.5.  So, i'll change my deployment files to the 3.5 version and i'll try this again.  I'm guessing that's why it worked before, as I bet I used the 3.5 .net at that time.  I'll post back either way.  I appreciate your help!


10/22/2012 3:48:51 PM
Total Posts 37

Re: Having issues installing on Godaddy

I appreciate both of your help on this!

It turned out that originally when I set up the first site, .NET 4.0 was already installed and running on the server.  However, when I bought the second hosting account from Godaddy, they forgot to install the .NET.  After I requested this be installed by them, the setup took off and the site is now up and running well!  

Again I appreciate the advice, I hadn't even thought about the .NET version.


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