Breadcrumbs on Admin Pages

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10/1/2012 2:06:30 PM
Total Posts 2247

Breadcrumbs on Admin Pages

Hey Joe,

Some admin pages (like ModulePermissions.aspx) add crumbs to the Breadcrumb control that is in the layout.master using that controls "AddedCrumbs" property. Would it be possible to use the values for "ItemWrapperTop" and "ItemWrapperBottom" to wrap the crumbs that are added in this manner? 

Joe D.

10/2/2012 9:16:20 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Breadcrumbs on Admin Pages

Hey Joe,

I think I can do that, can you identify all the pages that need it?



10/2/2012 10:31:28 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Breadcrumbs on Admin Pages

Hi Joe,

Looks like most of them are in the WebStore.

  • Admin\ModulePermissions.aspx.cs(301)
  • Admin\PagePermission.aspx.cs(331)
  • Admin\PagePermissionsMenu.aspx.cs(85)
  • WebStore\AdminCartBrowser.aspx.cs(140)
  • WebStore\AdminCartDetail.aspx.cs(185)
  • WebStore\AdminDashboard.aspx.cs(77)
  • WebStore\AdminDiscountEdit.aspx.cs(242)
  • WebStore\AdminDiscounts.aspx.cs(120)
  • WebStore\AdminDownloadTerms.aspx.cs(275)
  • WebStore\AdminOffer.aspx.cs(142)
  • WebStore\AdminOfferEdit.aspx.cs(1202)
  • WebStore\AdminOrderCheckout.aspx.cs(725)
  • WebStore\AdminOrderDetail.aspx.cs(285)
  • WebStore\AdminOrderEntry.aspx.cs(266)
  • WebStore\AdminOrderHistory.aspx.cs(132)
  • WebStore\AdminProduct.aspx.cs(150)
  • WebStore\AdminProductEdit.aspx.cs(927)
  • WebStore\AdminStoreSettings.aspx.cs(253)
  • WebStore\Cart.aspx.cs(390)
  • WebStore\ConfirmOrder.aspx.cs(871)
  • WebStore\OfferDetail.aspx.cs(142)
  • WebStore\OfferList.aspx.cs(83)
  • WebStore\PayPalExpressCheckout.aspx.cs(290)
  • WebStore\ProductDetail.aspx.cs(165)
  • WebStore\ProductList.aspx.cs(83)

If you tell me how you want it done, I'll make the changes so you're not tied up with it.

Joe D.

10/2/2012 12:32:43 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Breadcrumbs on Admin Pages

Thanks! I've updated them in my copy, it will be in the repository within a few days.



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