promoting mojoportal

If you are using mojoPortal, let us know. We've put a lot of work into this project and it would be gratifying to hear from you. If you are using mojoPortal for a public site, post your URL here and show it off.

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9/29/2012 1:06:13 PM
Total Posts 12
Ramesh Menta

promoting mojoportal

Hi, My name is Ramesh Menta. I have been using mojo portal since Feb'12. Mojo source code is very help to those who wants to build websites with latest technology and all latest features with no/low developing knowledge. Thanks for this free source code. Since I like it, I have been promoting this in my way with my colougues and friends however I have been facing following counter arguments where I am unable to answer. 1. Security questions: Such as data security against world, as the mojo code and procedures are common to all so any person can easily grab the data and physical customized files other than built in. 2. Personal pages: No feature is available to display data by logged in user. Ex: Google Calender, Personal diary, Personal note books etc� 3. Registration: Currently mojo users are not able to add/remove coloumns from registration page. Ex: Asking mobile number etc� 4. CSS: Many of friends raised questions on CSS code for their own customized modules. 5. Excel to DB: There is no scope to upload data from an excel file to shared hosting databases. 6. Skins: It does not support skins that available in the open market source. It is required to buy from mojo patner companies. 7. Upgrade: Even while upgrading mojo site, it requires to delete wwwroot folder and copy it from mojoportal or codeplex dump that takes risk in loosing of some data such as user�s avatars, customized ascx files and other such important data. 8. And etc.. I am having a website that has many own customized modules at but no CSS styles. And even I am also facing few of them. I do not have answers to those questins. Also I would like to do specalizaton in developing the websites with mojoportal open source code. Kindly suggest. my site:
9/30/2012 5:57:53 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: promoting mojoportal

Hi Ramesh,

1. Nonsense. Having the code does not make it possible to steal your data as long as you install it and configure security according to best practices. Open source means lots of eyes are looking at the code and if they see any mistakes that could be vulnerabilities they report them. Obscurity does not make security.

2. mojoPortal is not software for social networking sites it is for business sites, see the section at the bottom of the About page which describes what mojoPortal is not designed for. If you want features like that you could build them yourself.

3. You can add custom fields to the registration page and user profile, see the documentation.

4. Create a css file for your custom feature, put it in the skin folder and add it to the list of css files in the style.config file in your skin folder.

5. Nope there isn't, maybe you can build that if you need it but it is not in the box.

6. Each CMS platform has their own requirements for skins, some CMS platforms are more popular and therefore lots of 3rd party skins. We are not there yet, but it is very easy to make skins using Artisteer. Usually for any important site you want a custom skin not a design that other sites may also be using. Any worthwhile site should have its own unique design.

7. Not true, if you're doing that you're doing it wrong. Just upload the new files on top of the old files and then visit the /Setup/Default.aspx page. It will only overwrite mojoPortal system files, it will not touch any custom images or other files you have uploaded. You should not fork the mojoPortal code or modify existing mojoPortal files that way there is no risk in upgrading.

8. Yes, your site looks kind of boring because you are using an old skin that shipped in older versions of mojoPortal and it looks old school and out dated. You really need to make a fresh design to make your site look good. A reminder service is an interesting idea but its not easy to compete with other things that already exist such as google calendar and others, if you search google for "reminder service" you can see there is already a lot of them. 

Hope that helps,


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