Event Calendar Pro Bug - Register Link Appears when Site Registration Disabled

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8/29/2012 3:02:45 PM
Total Posts 39

Event Calendar Pro Bug - Register Link Appears when Site Registration Disabled

I have an Event Calendar Pro component  and the site is configured to Not Allow New Users to Register.  When a user goes to a paid calendar event they are given the options to sign in or register.  Selecting the Register link directs them to the home page.  It should not be displayed.  In addition, two paypal boxes now appear in addition to the Checkout with Paypal button. 

Any help would be appreciated.



Event Calendar Pro Settings (that I think might be relevant to troubleshoot)

View Settings

Hide Details from Unauthenticated = false

Ticket/Registration Settings

Allow Ticket Purchase without Authentication = true
Roles Allowed to Register With Promise to Pay Later = None

System Settings
System Information

mojoPortal Version                                      MSSQL

Operating System                Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2

ASP.NET Info                v4.0.30319 Running in Full Trust

Feature Versions


8/30/2012 9:42:43 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar Pro Bug - Register Link Appears when Site Registration Disabled

Hi Tom

Thanks for the bug report. I've just uploaded Event Calendar Pro to fix this bug.



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