I need a store page, like mojoportal store, but don't know how to create it.

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8/16/2012 6:50:32 AM
Total Posts 192

I need a store page, like mojoportal store, but don't know how to create it.


what I need is somethings like the store page of mojoportal,(https://www.mojoportal.com/store), I want products listed by a title (name), by an image and a little description, and in the bottom, a list of variations of products (in my case, they are just different colors) (well exactly how the store page of mojoportal is)

but I haven't been able to do this, I really don't know how to do it!

I added a web store feature to a page, then added a product. well, it's not shown in the products list even when

"Show In Product List?" is checked.

then tried adding an offer (and checked it's is visible). the offer is shown and I can add it to the cart.

but help me!!Cry

isn't it like that I can add products to an offer? (I don't know how!)

how can I create a store page like mojoportal store page, with a product having multilple variations and each having a seperate  add to cart button?

what are the differences between (group by product) and (group by offer)?

(something is special with my requirements, and that is I need listing of products, and a cart, but users won't be paying anything and recieving anything. carts are only to be saved for an administration to review them later. it's for a special client with very low number of fixed customers)

8/16/2012 9:37:41 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: I need a store page, like mojoportal store, but don't know how to create it.

My store on this site is grouped by product, each product has multiple offers for the different licenses.

After you create an offer, then a new products tab appears allowing you to add products to an offer. You must save the offer first, then add products.

I have no solution for your other specific requirements.


8/18/2012 9:49:52 AM
Total Posts 192

Re: I need a store page, like mojoportal store, but don't know how to create it.

thanks. I think saving the offer before adding products was the thing that was confusing me.

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