Email feature isn't working

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8/7/2012 1:55:16 PM
Total Posts 62

Email feature isn't working


Followed all the steps to enable email feature. Your documentation says that there should be notification emails when content is updated and so far I have not seen this to work. No errors show up in the log in the log either. I added Contact Form and email works fine there. Any ideas? Below are my settings for user.config  & web.config

<add key="SMTPServer" value="" />

<add key="SMTPRequiresAuthentication" value="false" />
<add key="SMTPPort" value="25" />
<add key="SMTPUser" value="" />
<add key="SMTPPassword" value="" />
<!-- leave this blank for ascii encoding -->
<add key="SmtpPreferredEncoding" value="" />



<!-- Setting this to true will cause SMTP settings to appear under Site Settings in the admin menu.
When this is enabled, you can configure different SMTP settings for each of your sites. If
all sites share one SMTP server, leave this set to false and override the SMTP settings below
in your user.config file. Note you also need to specify SMTP settings further below in the section. The settings here appply to features, but the settings in the
mailSettings section are used for site registration and password recovery. -->
<add key="EnableSiteSettingsSmtpSettings" value="true"/>
<add key="MaskSmtpPasswordInSiteSettings" value="true"/>
<add key="ShowSmtpEncodingOption" value="false"/>


<!-- *********************************************************************************** -->
<!-- ****************************** Begin email settings ******************************* -->
<!-- *********************************************************************************** -->
<add key="SMTPServer" value=""/>
<add key="SMTPRequiresAuthentication" value="false"/>
<add key="SMTPUseSsl" value="false"/>
<add key="SMTPPort" value="25"/>
<add key="SMTPUser" value=""/>
<add key="SMTPPassword" value=""/>
<add key="SMTPTimeoutInMilliseconds" value="30000"/>
<!-- Leave this blank for ASCII encoding. Allowed values are utf-8, utf-32, and unicode -->
<add key="SmtpPreferredEncoding" value=""/>
<!-- *********************************************************************************** -->
<!-- ***************************** End Email settings ********************************** -->
<!-- *********************************************************************************** -->

8/7/2012 2:02:41 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Email feature isn't working

As soon as you set this to true:

<add key="EnableSiteSettingsSmtpSettings" value="true"/>

then none of the smtp settings in config files are used, a new tab appears in site settings and that is where the smtp settings must be set. If you want to use the config settings then you must make that setting false.

8/7/2012 3:52:33 PM
Total Posts 62

Re: Email feature isn't working

Yup, forgot to mention, I set those settings in the tab as well, still no emails.

8/7/2012 3:58:49 PM
Total Posts 2253

Re: Email feature isn't working

You will not get emails when content is updated. You will get a notification when "Content Workflow" is enabled in Site Settings and someone (besides yourself) clicks the "Submit for Approval" button on a draft version of content.

Joe D.

8/7/2012 4:15:32 PM
Total Posts 62

Re: Email feature isn't working

Content Workflow is enabled. Also, I am testing it this way User1 edits page, User2 submits it for approval, User1 should receive email confirmation. The log doesn't report any errors on this, but email works fine with Contact form.

8/7/2012 4:26:37 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Email feature isn't working

The email for submit for approval will be sent to site members who are in a role that has edit permission on the page or feature instance. So make sure your user account for the approver is in a role with edit permission and has a valid email address.

8/7/2012 4:45:36 PM
Total Posts 62

Re: Email feature isn't working

EDIT: Looks like it's working now after I disabled <add key="EnableSiteSettingsSmtpSettings" value="false"/>

Thank you for your help!

8/7/2012 5:33:23 PM
Total Posts 62

Re: Email feature isn't working

Spoke too soon :)

It's weird issue where it works on some pages, but not others, I thought it had to do with number of HTML Content instances, but it's not the case. Security is all the same for those pages. I'll try to figure this out.

8/7/2012 6:07:03 PM
Total Posts 62

Re: Email feature isn't working

Oddly the email feature doesn't work on all pages, including new ones that I created. As a test I created a new blank page in the root. Added the same security setting and Submitted new content change for approval. No email came through. I hit reject that content, enter reason and email worked.

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