2 Requests

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8/2/2012 7:12:30 PM
Total Posts 38

2 Requests

1. There should be a restart button in Administration Page, it will save time a lot than making changes in web.config and upload it back.

2. When recovering password(in this site), remove asking for security question. I forgot my password and I dont even remember what was the security question and its answer, my account was just about to become useless. Nobody uses security question these days, and if you want to, please send it after confirmation email.



8/2/2012 7:30:00 PM
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Re: 2 Requests

I'm not sure if number 1 is even possible, since mojoPortal is running as an application under IIS, and for security reasons it can't/shouldn't be able to update its own web.config file, nor trigger IIS to restart itself (talk about a DoS attack vector!).

If you have access to the filesystem where your site is located, you can do a "touch" of the web.config file to update the date/time stamp, rather than editing web.config. Here's a method to do it in an MS/DOS window, from the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

The following MS-DOS command updates the date and time stamps of a file named "EXAMPLE" without altering the contents of the file. This is similar to the TOUCH utility found in XENIX and in some third-party MS-DOS toolkits.


For number 2, just go to Administration, Site Settings, Security tab, and uncheck the "Requires Question and Answer?" option to skip the security question step. I also recommend that you use Password Reset rather than Password Recovery, for a more modern and secure "forgot password" experience. While you're in there, make sure that the security settings match what you want to use for your site.


8/2/2012 7:43:25 PM
Total Posts 38

Re: 2 Requests

For 2, I was talking about this site, mojoportal.com...please read again. 

8/2/2012 10:47:28 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: 2 Requests

Number 2 is probably not going to happen. If you can't remember your passwords or your security questions, you should look into a tool like KeePass.

Joe D.

8/3/2012 9:51:02 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: 2 Requests

The idea of a question and answer is to protect users if their email account is hijacked, otherwise once someone hacks your email they can gain access to your credentials for just about any site you use. You don't need to remember the question becasuse the question will be presented to you on the password recovery page, you only need to remember the answer to the question. If you feel that is too much trouble and you don't need that extra protection then just use a simple question "like what color is blue" with the obvious answer "blue".

If all else fails in password recovery people can use my contact form to contact me and I can reset their password.

While it is true that some sites have moved away from security question and answer, it is usually because they have some other mechanism like my bank has a visual site key (though they do still use multiple questions and answers for some verification purposes) and some sites like google now use your cell phone so they can sms you a new password. Unfortunately those are solutions diificult/expensive to implement so we use what are able to implement and that is a security question and answer. And of course sites like Facebook may not have a security question and answer but then again they are not known to be the most secure site, lots of accounts do get hacked on Facebook due to weak passwords and lack of other securit mechanisms.

Whether you choose to use a security question and answer on your site is up to you but on this site I choose to give people the power to have a little more security, as I said above if you prefer convenience over security then use a simple question with an obvious answer.

As Jamie said we will not be implementing something in mojoPortal to write to the web.config file nor recycle the app pool for security reasons. These reasons and security issues are also discussed in the article Why Custom Features Should be Instralled by FTP

Best Regards,


8/3/2012 6:26:41 PM
Total Posts 38

Re: 2 Requests

Alright, I like the idea of color blue. Thanks.

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