what is this script for? (Modernizr script)

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8/2/2012 8:10:14 AM
Total Posts 192

what is this script for? (Modernizr script)

what is it supposed to support?

8/2/2012 8:19:48 AM
Total Posts 2240

Re: what is this script for? (Modernizr script)


A quick Bing search brings up the Modernizr website which fully explains Modernizr.

It is included in mojoPortal as a convenience tool to help support CSS3 and HTML5 in older browsers.

Joe D.

8/2/2012 8:28:50 AM
Total Posts 192

Re: what is this script for? (Modernizr script)

yes, thanks. I had already checked the site. but I wanted a very brief explanation of what it does.

I saw it added lots of classes to the html element in firefox, but nothing to chrome.

I want a brief answer like (what classes it adds to what elements, in what browsers, and how they can be used).

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