New "organizationcontrol" change requests

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7/12/2012 9:48:23 AM
Total Posts 83
-- Joe

New "organizationcontrol" change requests

I am hoping these are simple requests for the new "organizationcontrol" introduced in v2.3.8.5

  1. Remove the Email, Phone, and Fax numbers from the organizationcontrol as they have their own controls.  Basically it looks sloppy (and redundant) if you use the organizationcontrol and also the email,phone,fax controls.
  2. Add a property to format the control so the address can appear on multiple lines instead of just 1 line (I personally think address, then city, town, then zip is a good format).  I am adding a <br /> to the Street Address field under Company Info now.  But that is a bit of a hack.

Of course if I am missing anything that would do the above - please let me know.

Thanks again for a really solid CMS.

7/12/2012 10:44:38 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: New "organizationcontrol" change requests

Hi Joe,

  1. The Organization Control is meant to display all of the information about an organization, which includes email, phone and fax. The email, phone and fax controls are meant to display on those strings as literals by themselves. They serve two different purposes.
  2. You can easily position rendered elements with CSS, you don't have to keep everything on one line or on multiple lines.

The Organization Control uses the structure for an "Organization." Using this helps with SEO by giving the data specific structure.

Joe D.

7/12/2012 3:07:02 PM
Total Posts 83
-- Joe

Re: New "organizationcontrol" change requests


Maybe I am not understanding the HTML but I dont see any classes rendered that woudl allow me to put the street on a separate line from the city/sate/zip.  Unless the HTML5 "itemprop" tag can be used as a CSS reference?  (I looked and didnt find this as an option)  Also the phone/fax/email are rendering on the same line. 

Here is a copy of my rendered HTML (names changed to protect the guilty!)

<div class="org" itemtype="" itemscope="">
    <span class="orgname" itemprop="name">Joe's Cool Website</span>
        <div class="addresswrap" itemtype="" itemscope="" itemprop="address">
            <span itemprop="streetAddress">99 Home Street</span>
            <span itemprop="addressLocality">SomeCity</span>
            <span itemprop="addressRegion">CA</span>
            <span itemprop="postalCode">90210</span>
    <span itemprop="telephone">Office: 555-555-1212</span>
    <span itemprop="faxNumber">Emergency: 555-555-1212</span>
    <span itemprop="email"></span>

Thanks for any advice you can offer.

-- Joe Vago


7/12/2012 6:50:59 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: New "organizationcontrol" change requests

Hi Joe,

You can use the value of the itemprop property in your CSS selector:

.org span[itemprop="telephone"] { ...whatever you want... }

To prevent the phone, fax and email from rendering on the same line, you could do this:

.org span[itemprop="telephone"],
.org span[itemprop="faxNumber"],
.org span[itemprop="email"] { display: block; }

Further, you could style your labels for email, fax and telephone by using this with your control properties:

<portal:OrganizationControl id="org1" runat="server" LoadFromSiteSettings="true" EmailLabel="<span class='emaillabel'>Email: </span>" FaxLabel="<span class='faxlabel'>Fax: </span>" TelephoneLabel="<span class='phonelabel'>Phone: </span>" />

This would give you classes you can use to make the label bold, or change the color if you like.

span.phonelabel { font-weight: bold; }

Joe D.

8/10/2012 3:17:50 PM
Total Posts 83
-- Joe

Re: New "organizationcontrol" change requests

Joe D.,

Thanks for that solution - I had not used properties in CSS before. 

I went with a basic control

<portal:OrganizationControl id="org1" runat="server" LoadFromSiteSettings="true" />

One little catch that took me a few minutes to find is that for the orgname there is a separate span with its own class.  So to bold the organization name I found that this worked.

.orgname { display: block;  font-weight: bold;}

.org span[itemprop="streetAddress"],
.org span[itemprop="telephone"],
.org span[itemprop="faxNumber"],
.org span[itemprop="email"] { display: block; }

If there is a better way, please let me know.

Thanks again for your help

-- Joe Vago

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