Error Handling

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7/10/2012 5:47:50 AM
Total Posts 4

Error Handling

I have a try catch block in mojoportal custom web control i want to write the stack trace along with the error message that i caught in the catch block in mojoportal log file how can i achieve this?

7/10/2012 7:50:07 AM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Error Handling


You need to add the Log4Net Assembly as a reference to your project and then use the following as an example.

using log4net;

namespace MyProject.Web
   public partial class MyCustomControl : SiteModuleControl
      private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyCustomControl));

   protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //try to do something here
      catch (Exception ex) //try to be more specific with the exception type
         log.Error("could not do something. Error was: " + ex);

That should get you started with logging in mojoPortal.

Joe D.

7/10/2012 8:07:35 AM
Total Posts 4

Re: Error Handling

Thanks Joe.. it worked....nice work guys Mojoportal is really cool..........yes


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