Which features must need to be kept in IIS 7.5.

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7/3/2012 8:20:53 AM
Total Posts 19

Which features must need to be kept in IIS 7.5.

Hi,I want to host mojoportal on VPS, with windows server 2008 r2 standard edition and SQL server 2008 r2 web edition.

Question about IIS, for common or minimum config.

Which features must need to be kept in IIS 7.5. 

such as  asp and cgi,ISAPI Filters,Directory Browsing,Static Content,Server-Side Includes,Dynamic Content Compression?,

should it be removed?

And which other features can be removed ?

check list locate at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc753473.aspx ,

Thanks !




7/3/2012 12:30:08 PM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: Which features must need to be kept in IIS 7.5.

The best source for mojoPortal IIS setup information is the IIS Web Setup document. Anything that is strictly required should be mentioned in that document. There are some external links in there too that you may find helpful.


7/3/2012 8:37:40 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Which features must need to be kept in IIS 7.5.

I had read  IIS Web Setup document . I checked it again,

 I can not find the answer in that document .


7/4/2012 11:40:05 AM
Total Posts 19

Re: Which features must need to be kept in IIS 7.5.


On my VPS, there is only one mojo site ,

I want to uninstall the features not necessary in IIS for security reasons and minimum ram service ,

should I delete the ASP , CGI, ... features in IIS 7.5 like below,  

"X" means should delete for security reasons 

"Y" Means required for mojo site and common management. not for develpoer.

"?" I don't understand it to choose. 

Could you correct my below wrong choice ?


Available Web Server (IIS7.5) Role Services
Common Http Features
1 Static Content                                                 Y
2 Default Document                                           Y
3 Directory Browsing                                        ?
4 HTTP Errors                                                   Y
5 HTTP Redirection                                          Y
6 WebDAV Publishin                                       X            webdeploy can replace it

Application Development Features
1 ASP.NET                                                       Y
2 .NET Extensibility                                           Y
3 ASP                                                                X
4 CGI                                                                 ?
5 ISAPI Extensions                                          Y
6 ISAPI Filters                                                  Y
7 Server-Side Includes                                   Y
Health and Diagnostics

1 HTTP Logging                                             Y
2 Logging Tools                                             Y
3 Request Monitor                                         Y
4 Tracing                                                        X          I won't be a developer.
5 Custom Logging                                        X  
6 ODBC Logging                                          X

1 Basic Authentication                                                 X
2 Windows Authentication                                            X
3 Digest Authentication                                                X
4 Client Certificate Mapping Authentication               X
5 IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication         X
6 URL Authorization                                                     ?
7 Request Filtering                                                       Y
8 IP Security                                                                  Y
Performance Features
1 Static Content Compression                                 Y
2 Dynamic Content Compression                           X
Web Management Tools

1 IIS Management Console                                       Y
2 IIS Management Scripts and Tools                      X
3 IIS Management Service                                        X
4 IIS 6 Management Compatibility                            X      new site don't require it.
5 IIS Metabase compatibility                                    X
6 IIS 6 WMI Compatibility                                         X
7 IIS 6 Scripting Tools                                               X
8 IIS 6 Management Console                                   X
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server Features

1 FTP Server                                                          X          webdeploy can replace it.
2 FTP Service                                                       X
3 FTP Extensibility                                                X
Internet Information Services Hostable Web Core

1 Internet Information Services Hostable Web Core          ?


7/4/2012 11:56:53 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Which features must need to be kept in IIS 7.5.

please don't post duplicate questions. I deleted your other thread.

You don't need directory browsing.

You don't need cgi

You don't need url authorization but it may be useful

I use Dynamic compression but technically you don't need it, it just may improve performance.

I don't know what IIS hostable web core is, if mojoPortal is working without it then I suppose you don't need it.

Hope that helps,



7/4/2012 11:46:21 PM
Total Posts 19

Re: Which features must need to be kept in IIS 7.5.

Thanks a lot,

It really helps me.


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