Retrieve/Change Database Password

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6/19/2012 10:11:21 PM
Total Posts 53

Retrieve/Change Database Password


My Hosting provider wants to migrate the whole site to a new server. And he wants the database password. I had setup mojoportal years back and I forgot the password :(

1. I forgot the database password. How can I find/retrieve it? What are the various ways?

2. I can change the password through website panel i believe but this would probably cause mojoportal for my site to not work because the password setup with my mojoportal site might be different. Where do i change the password for the website if I change the password in the database?

3. Are there are any other options to overcome this issue?

This is real urgent :((



6/19/2012 11:05:50 PM
Total Posts 2240

Re: Retrieve/Change Database Password


Your database password is stored either in your web.config file or your user.config file. It will be within a ConnectionString key.

Joe D.

5/5/2013 8:57:30 PM
Total Posts 92
Keep Smiling Phill

Re: Retrieve/Change Database Password

Hi Joe,

I have retreived the PWD from the User.Config file and am able to log in.  I have limited tools available and would like to change the password to something easier to remember.  Currently it is "qDC^&-zPrXMv".  It was created by the WebMatrix tool when I installed mojoPortal.  The "&amp" is not valid so I am unable to manually log in except through mojoportal.

How can I change the PWD on the SQL server?


5/7/2013 4:40:48 PM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Re: Retrieve/Change Database Password

Hi Phillip

to change a SQL Server login password you need to use SQL Server administrative tools, e.g. SSMS or command-line utilities. You should not do this through mojoPortal (actually you might be able to do this through the SQL Query tool, using the sp_password stored proc or other approaches, but I've not checked this and I'm not recommending it).

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