Option to hide all the settings/edit links and the admin bar

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6/9/2012 1:45:28 AM
Total Posts 537
feet planted firmly on the ground

Option to hide all the settings/edit links and the admin bar

From me and colleagues... we have sites where we are admins and/or content administrators, but also we just want to use the sites.  However, we see all the little "settings" and "edit" links everywhere, and the admin bar covering things up at the bottom, which is all a bit distracting and upsets the layout. 

Could we have a setting on the profile "Hide all feature edit/settings links?" 

And "Hide admin bar?"

In turn it should be configurable as to whether or not these appears (like other profile settings), and also in the Role Admin it should be possible to configure which roles see these options.  

So for example I wouldn't show these to a normal authenticated user, but I would show it to any roles granted feature/page editing permissions.

I don't think there's a risk of people locking themselves out, unless they have removed the link to their account from their skin, and even then they can get to the admin pages with a URL.

We don't want to have separate accounts for our users, because people might switch into editing mode at any time; the above solution would allow them to switch on all the editing links with a couple of clicks.


6/10/2012 10:24:33 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Option to hide all the settings/edit links and the admin bar


I've implemented this in a skin in the past. I just copied the code for it to a blog post. You can read about it here.

Joe D.

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