Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom

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6/8/2012 12:51:46 PM
Total Posts 26

Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom

 Hi boys,
  I have updated 2-3-6-5 to Mojo 2-3-8-5 but it's does not work graphically... (www.vincitrend.com)

 - layout with a scrambled > seems that the css and the images are missing... 
 - editors missing

  Provider : arvixe , windows, sql 2008

 I tried to install everything again (2 times ) and also from 'installer provider but does not change anything,
  really strange, never happened before in 20-year career

 Any advice?

   2° Step ->

     A) So I have tried to reinstall with another free database and all is returned ok graphically ...
     B) Now I try to restore the previous database... to see if the layout remain OK

  3° Step ->
    A) Db problem ... i have updated but mothing, the problem is the db.,, I have to install in an empty db and 
         all work... 


6/8/2012 1:56:00 PM
Total Posts 6

Re: Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom

Secondo me non ti trova gli skin, vai nella cartelle del sito a data/sites/1 e vedi se c'è la cartella skins,altrimenti copia la cartella skins presente nel percorso principale, poi da admin scegli uno skin.


Ciao, Mauro

6/8/2012 2:12:20 PM
Total Posts 2247

Re: Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom

When upgrading, please be sure you read the Important Skin Changes documentation.

Joe D.

6/9/2012 7:00:37 AM
Total Posts 26

Re: Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom

 Hy, I tried to upload the skyns (under data) & style folders ... BUT... nothing.... css error yet

  A) So I have setup a new Mojo Portal... and all is ok

  the i have restored the older db (updated to 2-3-8-5) version.... >result > Css errors yet....

  B) Now I try to reset the site, setup a new one with a new db and then copy old data into the new db... ;-) 
       situation = error copiing into the xxxxID fields they are read only.... (identity fields ?)


6/9/2012 7:07:59 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom

The skins used by the site are under /Data/Sites/[SiteID]/skins not under /Data/skins.

You should copy the skins from /Data/skins into /Data/Sites/1/skins

/Data/skins is the catalog of skins, they are copied into a site when a site is created. We don't touch any of the site skins during upgrades in case you have modified them but we do update the skins under /Data/skins. You have to update the site skins manually. If you have a custom skin you need to make sure you update it according to the article Important Skin Changes.

See also Design/Skinning Overview

Hope that helps,


6/9/2012 7:09:07 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom

Stop reinstalling and changing the database. It has nothing to do with design and skins you are only making it more complicated.

6/9/2012 7:17:33 AM
Total Posts 26

Re: Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom

  RESOLVED :  The old Style is missing in the new update 2-3-8-5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  < >
                          It was wonderful... 

                          ;-) Ok, So now I choose another one... now I see.

                          Consideration : with new skin the site map and menu are completely missed !! 

                          Modules and content are into the db
                          but The page hierarchy and the menu are missed and NOT SHOWED ... ???????????????
                          Very instable... it' s better not update at all  ???
                          Home page link is wrong....  a disaster guys ... 



6/9/2012 7:50:06 AM
Total Posts 26

Re: Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom

 WORKAROUND for all users :
   I have tried to setup the home page to the right link and then refresh...
     the hierarchy has been remaked and cheched and all is returned OK at the menu and links level...  


   x Joe : it was very hard make working mojo after updating to previous version...

   Enjoy guys... Thanks a lot !""! ;-)   

   Have a good times !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6/9/2012 7:57:40 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom

Please slow down and stop panicking. You jump back and forth between resolved and disaster and you keep editing your post over and over.

I just looked at your site, and it looks fine to me, I see the menu and the sitemap.

If you are not seeing it correctly you may need to clear your browser cache (old css may be cached in your web browser) or go to Administration > Advanced Tools > Design Tools > Cache Tool and click the button to reset the skin guid. This will force all browsers to load the latest css.


6/9/2012 8:18:22 AM
Total Posts 26

Re: Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom


  A) with the workaround to relink the HOME page then the menu links are returned OK !!!
  but if you does not relink all menu is missed.
  B) the previous skyn that I used was missed in the new update 2-3-8-5 there was the error

   But now after 2 days triing to resolve all was right ... !!!

   Fffffff a very hard work trrinh to understand the error ... thank you boys !!! ;-)  
   NOW do you want a bier ???? ;-)


6/9/2012 9:21:21 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Update to 2-3-8-5 css boom

Only problems you've encountered are skin changes. You could have fixed your old skin by following the instructions in Important Skin Changes. You did not mention the name of your old skin. If your old skin is one that we shipped in a previous version of mojoPortal you might find an updated version of it in the extra-skins.zip available on our codeplex download page.

Before upgrading it is a good idea to read the upgrading document and review release notes for all versions in between your old version and the latest version.

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