page redirects

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5/23/2012 4:16:22 PM
Total Posts 130

page redirects

Hi Joe,

I'm running on  multi site mode.  The issue I'm referring today is not in my clustered environment.  There seems to be an issue with ghost redirects.  Redirects for pages that have been deleted in the 301 redirect manager, yet the redirect still appears to be in place in the system.  I've cleared the systemfiles cache, touched the web.config, recycled the app pool in IIS and searched through the RedirectList table of the db looking for the offending redirect I'm trying to kill, with no luck. This is happening on multiple sites.

Example: Original Page->redirecting to->NewPage.  New Page is now deleted, along with redirect in the Advanced Tools.  Original Page is now set to redirect to VeryNewPage, yet is still redirecting to NewPage and getting a 404.  I've checked url mappings as well to make sure the page was being mapped where I intended.  I cannot think of why these pages could still be redirecting the wrong pages (that no longer exist).  Any ideas? Is there a table in the db I'm missing that needs some love?



5/23/2012 5:11:17 PM
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Re: page redirects

Hi Beth, 301 redirects are intended to be permanent, so browsers may cache them for some period of time in order to provide better performance to the user. We had a pretty in-depth discussion about this recently, and Joe added support for a couple of configuration keys that can be used to alter the behavior of the 301 redirect caching in your visitors' browsers.

First option is to completely disable browser redirect caching:

<add key="DisableCacheFor301Redirects" value="true">

Second option is to set a number of days the redirect can be cached by the browser:

<add key="SetExplicitCacheFor301Redirects" value="true">
<add key "CacheDurationInDaysFor301Redirects" value = "21">

Hope that helps,


5/23/2012 5:21:14 PM
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Re: page redirects

Hi Beth, after rereading your original post, I'm thinking that what you should really be doing is setting up a double redirect like this:

Redirect one: Original Page to New Page

Redirect two: New Page to Very New Page

That way, browsers that are trying to visit Original Page or New Page will both get redirected properly.


5/24/2012 9:11:17 AM
Total Posts 130

Re: page redirects

Thanks Jamie,

I added the key to my user.config and touched the web.config but it didn't make a difference. I've cleared web browser caches and checked on multiple computers.  I added the NewPage to NewNewPage redirect and that completed the redirect ... so thank you!  It still doesn't explain why I couldn't get the one redirect to be cleared from the system though.

I would like to confirm, though, that there is only one table in the database that stores redirect info ... and that is "RedirectList."



5/24/2012 10:03:21 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: page redirects

Hi Beth,

The keys will not make any browser that has already cached the redirect clear that cache. The keys will only prevent browsers from caching them in the future.

I agree with Jamie that you should create two sets of redirects in this case.

The RedirectList is the only place mojo stores 301 redirects.

Joe D.

5/24/2012 10:03:48 AM
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Re: page redirects

It still doesn't explain why I couldn't get the one redirect to be cleared from the system though.

The redirect was cleared from the system, but still cached and being used by your browser. At least, I think that's the most likely explanation.

5/24/2012 12:26:40 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: page redirects

I've read several things that talk about 301 caching in IE and that clearing the cache does not really clear the cached 301 redirects.

There is really nothing you can do to clear it for your site visitors once it is cached by their browser, this article says you can really clear it using Fiddler on your own machine though, and one person in the comments mentioned a solution that worked for him by starting with a private browsing session.

Hope that helps,


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