Event Calendar - Formatting/Sizing?

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8/30/2007 10:22:26 PM
Total Posts 31

Event Calendar - Formatting/Sizing?

Is it possible to control the size of the calendar?  Ex. I want to add a calendar on a right pane, but it is much too large & being able to size it specifically would be perfect.  Is it possoble?



8/31/2007 9:41:09 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar - Formatting/Sizing?

Hi Chris,

I think you could adjust the size using the theme.skin file in your skin by setting Width and Height on <mp:DataCalendar

Haven't tried it but it should work.


8/31/2007 2:21:56 PM
Total Posts 31

Re: Event Calendar - Formatting/Sizing?

I was thinking more through the portal itself.  For example, I want the calendar as a small control on one page in a site, but on another page, i want it to be BIG and a center section.  Sorry, I'm just getting started using the portal & might not understand how to use it just yet. 

9/2/2007 8:57:06 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar - Formatting/Sizing?

Sorry, I meant to reply sooner. Short answer is not currently, but I'm loooking into it today to add module settings for that.



9/3/2007 1:38:53 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Event Calendar - Formatting/Sizing?

Hi Chris,

In the new release I added a module setting in EventCalendar for "Pad Empty Days" which defaults to true. When this is true, some br elements are included on the empty days which makes the calendar expand and look better when its in the center pane. If you set it to false the calendar will render more compactly. You may still need to make your right column a little wider to fit it nicely, or you may be able to make it even more compact if you tweak the mpdatacalendar.css file in your skin.

Click the gears icon next to the title of the module to get to the module setings.

Hope it helps,


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