Form Wizard help

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4/17/2012 8:17:14 PM
Total Posts 13

Form Wizard help

I have Form wizard Pro and I love it.  But I have a problem, I want to view the submission data (with a custom control I code) on a different page.  But I am not sure where the form data lives to view it.  (table ?) Also is there anyway I can toggle to enable or disable the delete records button. I have a group that needs to see the data, but I dont want them to have the ablity to delete it...

any ideas...


Thank you,


4/20/2012 8:17:10 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard help

Hi Bill,

I don't have an immediate solution for disabling the delete button, but I will add a request in our project tracker.

This article by the guys at Colorado State U might give you some ideas about how to query the data if you want to make a custom module to display it.



4/20/2012 8:20:26 AM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Form Wizard help

Hi Bill,

Actually the Colorado State guys have even more here, and it looks like they shared some code for a view only module.

Hope that helps,


4/20/2012 8:04:22 PM
Total Posts 13

Re: Form Wizard help

Thanks Joe,

I will code something up and post back on how it worked out...


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