HELP, Truly don't understand what is wrong...

A place for discussion about skinning and design. Before posting questions here you should review the documentation about creating skins.

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4/17/2012 2:02:14 PM
Total Posts 165

HELP, Truly don't understand what is wrong...

Ok, I created a look and feel within Artisteer 3.1, using a file supplied by mojoPortal.  However when I copy over the items to the skin files and upload it... A few odd things happen. 

1) It's not pulling in the changes I made to the layout.master.  - Yes I have cleared all the cache.

2) It's not pulling in the header

Here's the file I'm using for the skin:

Can someone take a look and tell me what is going on.  (To view the site use the following URL:



Mark Schlaudraff

4/17/2012 4:40:08 PM
Total Posts 2241

Re: HELP, Truly don't understand what is wrong...

When the layout.master appears to be unresponsive to changes, you should always check the mojoPortal system log.

I downloaded your skin and the problem is that you have multiple server controls with the same ID. You've attempted to comment out a section of server controls with HTML comment tags, that will not actually cause the controls to not be rendered to the browser. It will only cause them to not be rendered by the browser. To properly comment out server controls, you must wrap them in <%-- --%>. If you do this, your skin will probably work properly.

Joe D.

4/17/2012 5:41:37 PM
Total Posts 165

Re: HELP, Truly don't understand what is wrong...

You Sir are the BEST!!!!!!

Thank You!!!

Now I have to see why it put the nave on top and not under the header  Hey... Half way there.

Thank you again.


4/17/2012 8:12:53 PM
Total Posts 165

Re: HELP, Truly don't understand what is wrong...

Well, choose to not fix the nav, it looks great on the top, just wish I could find a way to make it space across the top for two more links.

Maybe one day.

4/18/2012 10:00:22 AM
Total Posts 1203
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Re: HELP, Truly don't understand what is wrong...

In CSS, you can do the following to move the menu above the header: {
   top: -30px;

You can shrink the padding around the menu elements like this: > li > a {
   padding 0 8px; /* or whatever you like */

Those two changes will let you have quite a few more menu items. These can be set directly within Artisteer too, so that might be your best bet.


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