Administration Page Consistency

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4/11/2012 10:17:52 AM
Total Posts 63
Jerry McCreary
SureFire Studios, Inc.

Administration Page Consistency

This is a request, but not for a feature.

I customize the look of the Administration pages a great deal for my clients ... both to match the look of the site skin, but also to improve user experience.  Because of the nature of the mojoPortal growing over the years, I know it's difficult foresee the variations needed.

I don't know if it is possible, but am wondering if at this time, the Administration pages (and the features) could be reviewed to improve the consistency in the styles and layout used?

It would help much in developing a slicker GUI for the admin.

4/11/2012 11:08:40 AM
Total Posts 2254

Re: Administration Page Consistency

Hi Jerry,

Can you give some examples of what you would change or what would make it "slicker?"

I know some of the administration pieces could be improved but it is a lot more helpful to know what people feel is needed. Not that all suggestions will cause changes but it still helps to know.

Joe D.

6/7/2012 11:14:40 AM
Total Posts 63
Jerry McCreary
SureFire Studios, Inc.

Re: Administration Page Consistency

Joe D,

Sorry for long delay to respond...

I created a page on my site with some examples of the different code structure currently used.
My main request is that the same code structure being used on the various admin pages,
so that it easier to create a consistent GUI.

Please let me know if more clarification needed.



6/7/2012 3:41:17 PM
Total Posts 18439

Re: Administration Page Consistency

Hi Guys,

fyi, I've done quite a bit of work recently to make it consistent, so it should be much better in the next release. Its in the source code repository already so if you have the ability to work with the latest code you should be able to see what I've done, got rid of most of the fieldset/legend stuff that wasn't consistent with other headings.



6/7/2012 4:18:48 PM
Total Posts 63
Jerry McCreary
SureFire Studios, Inc.

Re: Administration Page Consistency

Thanks Joe.

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